WhatsApp, the popular online instant messaging service, is known for providing frequent updates to make things easier for its users. The developers tested the multi-device support feature for the last eight months. Now, the company has officially started rolling out for all Android and iOS users across the globe. Starting today, WhatsApp has announced the rollout of the stable version of the multi-device support. Let’s have a closer look at the latest feature.
WhatsApp Multi-Device Feature
The multi-device feature will allow WhatsApp users to log in to four devices simultaneously. Moreover, you needn’t have to keep the internet connection active on your primary device to access WhatsApp on the other three devices. According to the official announcement, the feature will be available for iOS users from March and the Android ones will get the update in April.
Furthermore, the official page also confirmed that all devices will be linked to WhatsApp independently. This will maintain the same level of security and end-to-end encryption you get on a smartphone. The company also acknowledged that few users face issues with loading messages on WhatsApp Web and Desktop. The company assured that the developers are working on the crack and soon it will be taken care of with a simple update.
Some features will not be available on WhatsApp Web, including:
- Link Preview
- Monitoring Live Location
- Broadcast List
- Sending and Receiving Messages to own number
- Stickers
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— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) February 9, 2022