List of 5-letter words ending in ‘T’ to help you solve today’s Wordle or any other word puzzle you might be trying to figure out for the day!
Whether you’re working on a crossword, word game, or today’s Wordle, we have a comprehensive list of 5-letter words ending in ‘T’ to help you get to the finish line and solve that puzzle before it’s too late! We always recommend going over any other parts of the puzzle you have figured out to help eliminate possibilities. Let’s get into it!
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All 5-Letter Words Ending in ‘T’
Our complete list of 5-letter words ending in T can be found here! While the amount can seem overwhelming at first, remember that you should also have an idea of what letters aren’t going to be used in your solution, which will help you narrow down the list of possibilities!
5-Letter Words Ending in ‘T’ List
- abaft
- abbot
- ablet
- abort
- about
- absit
- adapt
- adbot
- adept
- admit
- adopt
- adult
- adust
- afoot
- afrit
- agast
- agent
- agist
- aglet
- ahent
- ahint
- aight
- alant
- aleft
- alert
- alist
- allot
- aloft
- amaut
- ambit
- ament
- amort
- amowt
- amrit
- anent
- angst
- annat
- apart
- apert
- aport
- arett
- argot
- arhat
- ariot
- armet
- arnut
- arret
- ascot
- ashet
- asset
- assot
- atilt
- audit
- aught
- avant
- avast
- avert
- await
- ayont
- bahut
- beast
- beaut
- befit
- begat
- beget
- begot
- benet
- bepat
- beret
- besat
- beset
- besit
- besot
- bewet
- bhoot
- bidet
- bight
- bigot
- binit
- biont
- blart
- blast
- blatt
- bleat
- blent
- blert
- blest
- blist
- bloat
- bluet
- blunt
- blurt
- boart
- boast
- boost
- boult
- bowat
- bowet
- bract
- brant
- brast
- brent
- britt
- bruit
- brunt
- brust
- built
- buist
- bundt
- buret
- burnt
- burst
- butut
- cadet
- cagot
- canst
- capot
- caput
- carat
- caret
- chaft
- chant
- chapt
- chart
- cheat
- chert
- chest
- chirt
- chott
- chout
- cinct
- civet
- clapt
- clart
- clast
- claut
- cleat
- cleft
- clept
- clift
- clint
- clipt
- cloot
- clout
- coact
- coapt
- coast
- comet
- compt
- coopt
- coost
- coset
- count
- court
- covet
- craft
- crept
- crest
- croft
- crost
- crout
- cruet
- cruft
- crust
- crypt
- cubit
- culet
- cunit
- curat
- curet
- curst
- daint
- dault
- daunt
- davit
- daynt
- dealt
- debit
- debut
- defat
- deist
- delft
- demit
- dempt
- denet
- depot
- derat
- devot
- diact
- dicht
- dicot
- didst
- dight
- digit
- divot
- dixit
- docht
- doest
- doilt
- donut
- doubt
- draft
- drant
- drent
- drest
- drift
- dript
- droit
- dropt
- ducat
- duett
- durst
- duvet
- dwelt
- earnt
- earst
- ebbet
- eclat
- edict
- educt
- eejit
- egest
- egret
- eight
- eject
- elect
- elint
- emmet
- enact
- enlit
- epact
- epopt
- erect
- ergot
- eruct
- erupt
- escot
- event
- evert
- evict
- ewest
- exact
- exalt
- exeat
- exert
- exist
- expat
- exult
- facet
- faint
- fault
- feart
- feast
- fecht
- fecit
- feint
- feist
- fient
- fiest
- fight
- filet
- first
- fixit
- fleet
- flint
- flirt
- flitt
- float
- flout
- fluyt
- foist
- fouat
- fouet
- fount
- fract
- freet
- freit
- frist
- fritt
- front
- frost
- fruit
- frust
- fumet
- gaitt
- galut
- gamut
- gault
- gaunt
- gavot
- geest
- geist
- gemot
- genet
- ghast
- ghaut
- ghest
- ghost
- giant
- gigot
- gilet
- giust
- gleet
- glent
- glift
- glint
- gloat
- glost
- glout
- godet
- goest
- gosht
- graft
- grant
- great
- greet
- grift
- griot
- gript
- grist
- groat
- grout
- grunt
- grypt
- guest
- guilt
- gulet
- guyot
- habit
- hadst
- haint
- hault
- haunt
- heart
- heast
- hecht
- heist
- helot
- hiant
- hight
- hoast
- hoist
- horst
- hurst
- idant
- ident
- idiot
- immit
- impot
- inapt
- incut
- inept
- inert
- ingot
- inlet
- innit
- input
- inset
- inust
- inwit
- islet
- izzat
- jabot
- jaunt
- jigot
- joint
- joist
- joust
- jurat
- kaput
- karat
- karst
- kempt
- kiaat
- kight
- klett
- knelt
- knout
- korat
- kraft
- krait
- kraut
- kydst
- lacet
- larnt
- leant
- leapt
- least
- legit
- liart
- licht
- licit
- light
- limit
- lirot
- loast
- lovat
- lunet
- lyart
- magot
- maist
- manat
- manet
- mayst
- mazut
- meant
- meint
- merit
- meynt
- micht
- midst
- might
- moist
- morat
- motet
- moult
- mount
- moust
- mpret
- muist
- mulct
- muset
- musit
- naunt
- neist
- nempt
- nepit
- nicht
- night
- noint
- nonet
- nooit
- obiit
- objet
- octet
- odist
- olent
- oncet
- onset
- oobit
- orant
- orbit
- oubit
- oucht
- ought
- overt
- ovist
- owlet
- paint
- palet
- peart
- perst
- petit
- pewit
- phpht
- picot
- piert
- pight
- pilot
- pinot
- pipet
- pipit
- pitot
- pivot
- plait
- plant
- plast
- platt
- pleat
- ploat
- pluot
- point
- poort
- posit
- poult
- poupt
- poynt
- pratt
- prent
- prest
- prost
- prunt
- qanat
- quant
- quart
- qubit
- quest
- quiet
- quilt
- quint
- quirt
- quist
- quoit
- rabat
- ramet
- react
- reast
- rebit
- rebut
- recit
- recut
- reest
- refit
- reist
- relet
- relit
- remet
- remit
- repot
- resat
- reset
- resit
- revet
- rewet
- riant
- richt
- right
- rivet
- roast
- robot
- roist
- roost
- roset
- rosit
- roust
- royst
- rozet
- rozit
- rybat
- sabot
- saint
- saist
- salat
- salet
- salut
- sault
- saunt
- sayst
- scant
- scart
- scatt
- sceat
- scent
- scoot
- scout
- scrat
- scuft
- shaft
- shakt
- shalt
- sheet
- shent
- shift
- shirt
- shist
- shoat
- shoot
- short
- shott
- shout
- shunt
- sicht
- sient
- sight
- skart
- skatt
- skeet
- skint
- skirt
- skort
- slant
- slart
- sleet
- slept
- slipt
- sloot
- sluit
- smalt
- smart
- smelt
- smolt
- smoot
- smout
- smowt
- snift
- snirt
- snoot
- snort
- snout
- souct
- spait
- spalt
- spart
- speat
- spect
- spelt
- spent
- spilt
- spirt
- splat
- split
- spoot
- sport
- spout
- sprat
- sprit
- spurt
- squat
- squit
- start
- stent
- stept
- stilt
- stint
- stoat
- stoit
- stopt
- stott
- stout
- strut
- stunt
- sturt
- suent
- suint
- surat
- swapt
- swart
- sweat
- sweet
- swelt
- swept
- swift
- swopt
- tacet
- tacit
- taint
- tapet
- tarot
- taunt
- tempt
- tenet
- tewit
- theft
- thoft
- tight
- tinct
- toast
- torot
- tract
- trait
- trant
- trapt
- tratt
- treat
- trest
- trist
- troat
- trout
- trust
- tryst
- tuart
- turnt
- tweet
- twilt
- twist
- twixt
- unapt
- uncut
- unfit
- unget
- ungot
- unhat
- unket
- unlet
- unlit
- unmet
- unset
- unwet
- unwit
- upjet
- uplit
- upset
- urent
- valet
- vault
- vaunt
- veldt
- verst
- visit
- vivat
- volet
- vomit
- waift
- waist
- warst
- wecht
- weest
- welkt
- wheat
- wheft
- whift
- whipt
- whist
- whoot
- whort
- wight
- wisht
- worst
- wrapt
- wrast
- wrest
- wrist
- wroot
- wurst
- yacht
- yeast
- ymolt
- yourt
- yrapt
- yrent
- ytost
- zakat
- zibet
- zizit
- zoist
These are all the 5-letter words we have that end in T. We hope this guide helped you find the solution you were looking for. Our website has more information about this game in the Wordle section.