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Essay on Gurpurab

Guru Nanak Jayanti is an essential festival for Sikhs. On this day, Guru Nanak was born thus it is important for Sikhism. It is popularly known as Gurpurab and the Sikhs celebrate it with great joy and enthusiasm all over the world. Let us learn more about the festival of Gurpurab.

Importance of Gurpurab

Guru Nanak Dev is the first guru of Sikhs. Similarly, the Sikhs consider him to be the founder of Sikhism. Guru Nanak Jayanti is a very big day for those who follow Sikhism. They celebrate the day to remember and pay gratitude to Guru Nanak Dev.

People respect him immensely for his great contributions to humanity. Moreover, various states of India observe his birthday as a public holiday. On this day, people remember the teachings of Guru Nanak and recite them in his memory.

As the Sikh religion is spread throughout the world, people belonging to it celebrate the day like a festival with a lot of joy and happiness. Sikhs commemorate this day to remember the essential teachings of Guru Nanak and follow them rigorously.

They pay respect to their Guru who went to a lot of places to teach people how to live in harmony as well as peace. Similarly, it was Guru Nanak who started to provide langar kitchens i.e. community kitchens, to the people.

By arranging a langar kitchen, Guru Nanak aimed to eradicate inequality and differences that were prevalent in our society at that time. Further, the kitchen serves as a great way of promoting brotherhood and love amongst humans irrespective of caste, creed, religion, gender, class, etc.

Therefore, the celebration of Gurpurab is no less than a homage to a person who dedicated his entire life to work for the welfare of the people. In addition, he also offered us a valuable set of teaching to make the world a better place.

Gurpurab Celebrations

Sikhs celebrate Gurpurab annually on the day of the full moon in the month of Kartik. People enjoy the festivities for three days. The preparations for the festival start by cleaning and decorating the houses with garlands, lights, and more.

They also decorate the Gurudwaras beautifully for this day. Further, the Sikhs also start reading the Guru Granth Sahib continually for 48 hours. The devotees also take out Prabhat Pheris in the morning i.e. mini processions in the neighbourhood.

Similarly, the devotees go to Gurudwaras on the occasion of Gurpurab for offering prayers and singing hymns to praise the ten Gurus. Following the teaching of Guru Nanak, Sikhs also organize langar on this day to feed everyone for free in togetherness.


Guru Nanak Dev taught people to live in peace and harmony with love. He worked to eradicate discrimination and unite people. Thus, through the community kitchen of langar, people came together regardless of class and religion to eat in peace. Thus, Gurpurab marks the birth anniversary of the great Guru Nanak Dev who worked for humanity.

FAQ on Essay on Gurpurab

Question 1: When do Sikhs celebrate Gurpurab?

Answer 1: Sikhs celebrate Gurpurab annually on the day of the full moon in the month of Kartik. People enjoy the festivities for three days.

Question 2: Who is Guru Nanak Dev?

Answer 2: Guru Nanak Dev is the first guru of Sikhs. Similarly, the Sikhs consider him to be the founder of Sikhism. Guru Nanak Jayanti is a very big day for those who follow Sikhism. They celebrate the day to remember and pay gratitude to Guru Nanak Dev.

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