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Black Cohosh: Benefits, Dosage, and Side-Effects

In today’s age, Ayurveda got a special place in all our hearts. There is more and more increasing evidence as to how Ayurvedic ingredients are useful for helping us live well and healthily. Black cohosh is one such Ayurvedic ingredient, whose roots and rhizomes have been used as a folk medicine for ages to help treat pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

What Is Black Cohosh?

Black cohosh is a plant usually utilized in homegrown medication for the alleviation of menopausal side effects. An individual from the buttercup family has a long history of utilization in the treatment of joint inflammation and muscle torment.

It is being studied that the main component of black cohosh is known as fukinolic acid. This compound mainly has estrogen-like properties. Estrogen is one of the female hormones that start deteriorating as she reaches the menopausal stage.

Proponents suggest this might be beneficial to women as they experience age-related declines in estrogen levels, a key think about the event of menopausal symptoms.

Other Name of Black Cohosh

Scientifically black cohosh is known as Actaea racemosa or Cimicifuga racemosa. Other names of black cohosh include baneberry, rattle top, black snakeroot, cimicifuga, etc.

Active Constituents in Black Cohosh

Active Constituents found within the Black Cohosh root include triterpene glycosides such as actein, 23-epi-26-deoxyactein, and cimicifugoside; resins, such as cimicifugin; and aromatic acid derivatives such as caffeic, isoferulic, and fukinolic acids.

Health Benefits of Black Cohosh

May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

The most common benefit for which black cohosh is extensively being studied. Two studies have clearly stated its benefits among post-menopausal women to help decrease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, sleep disturbances, as compared to the placebo. Black cohosh was given for 6 months. It is being observed that fukinolic acid is responsible for the main benefits.

But the major comprehensive research is done on black cohosh and menopausal symptoms where scientists looked at 16 published clinical trials, none found out any significant difference between black cohosh and placebo in the relief of menopausal symptoms as compared to the hormone replacement therapy or red clover. Hence, due to insufficient data, no significant conclusion can be drawn on the benefits of black cohosh for helping with menopausal symptoms. Further research can help the common consumers.

May Boosts Fertility

The bioactive compound present in black cohosh works synergistically to help regulate hormonal imbalance and thus improve fertility. This was confirmed in one of the animal studies. A systematic review that involved 33 human studies, concluded that intake of black cohosh may increase ovulation and help improve fertility.

Can Treat Uterine Fibroids

A uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous lump in the uterus. A study was conducted on 244 patients, where black cohosh extract was used. Black cohosh was observed to be effective against uterine fibroids than the specific drug used in the study.

May Control PCOS

Controlled Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common problem for women of childbearing age, which can cause hormonal imbalance, weight gain, and irregular menstruation. Black cohosh is a powerful Ayurveda supplement that can help maintain hormonal balance, blood circulation, and blood flow. Studies have confirmed that it can also help to treat uterine fibroids and also help reduce the size of uterine fibroids.

May Reduce Bone Loss in Osteoporosis

Postmenopausal women are susceptible to bone loss since osteoporosis is closely related to estrogen deficiency. Some of the bioactive compounds within the plant are shown to help reduce bone loss caused by osteoporosis. Fukinolic acid also has estrogen-like properties.

May Reduce Anxiety

One important component of black cohosh Actaea racemosa was shown to have sedative effects and thus helped reduce anxiety-related behavior.

Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent

The salicylic acid in black cohosh has anti-inflammatory effects. Salicylic acid usually is the basis of the active ingredient in aspirin. If painkillers are used regularly, this herb is an ideal natural substitute. Black cohosh can be used for arthritis, sore throat, and even high blood pressure.

Important Fact: 

Be careful to not confuse bugbane with its sister plants, blue cohosh, and white cohosh. These plants are similar in structure, however don’t have constant effects and will be precarious to ingest.

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Uses of Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is not commonly found in any of the food products. Hence, it is best to consume it in the form of supplements whether the pill, extract, or tea form. The dried roots of this herb are used to make black cohosh tea. In addition to this, you may also find them in the form of tincture and extract form, which then should be mixed with water and consumed. But always, consult the physician before consuming the supplement to understand the dosage and duration of the supplement.

How Much Black Cohosh to Take

The black cohosh herb is usually found in the market in the form of capsules, liquid, or herbal extract. There is no such recommended daily allowance for black cohosh. As per the studies, the suggested dosage is between 20 – 120 mg of extract or powder or capsules. But, studies have also mentioned that black cohosh should not be consumed for a longer period, but a maximum of 6 months or 1 year.

Side-Effects of Black Cohosh

Various clinical studies of black cohosh herb are used to treat menopausal symptoms and they have shown that their use is associated with a low frequency of side effects. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal discomfort and skin rash, mild and temporary. Most research studies black cohosh. Use for a short time, usually no more than 6 months. Therefore, no published studies are evaluating the long-term safety of black cohosh in humans.

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Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a health care professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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