When the Meteorite event alert appears, check your map for the designated area and locate the purple Meteorite. Be prepared for aggressive Pals and other enemies, which you must clear first. Afterward, use a Pickaxe or Mining Pals to extract Meteorite Fragments from the Meteorite in Palworld.
With the latest update, Palworld introduces new weapons ideal for late-game battles. One such weapon, the Meteor Launcher, requires Meteorite Fragments for crafting. Additionally, these fragments yield significant Paldium Fragments when processed in a crusher, making them a crucial resource in the game. Read on to learn how to obtain Meteorite Fragments in Palworld.
Palworld Meteorite Fragment Location
Currently, there are no fixed locations for Meteorite Fragments in Palworld. However, you can still find them by following these steps.
1. Look for the Meteorite Event
The Meteorite event is a new feature introduced after the Sakurajima update. You will receive an alert message on your screen stating, “Meteorite descent in progress.” This event can occur randomly, either during the night or day, dropping either a Supply Crate or a Meteor.
2. Check the Meteorite Location
When you see the alert, look toward the sky to spot a falling object. Then, open your map. You will see an icon indicating a falling meteor. Head to this location. If it’s not a supply crate, you have found a Meteorite.
How to Get Meteorite Fragments in Palworld
Upon reaching the location, you will see a large purple Meteorite. However, be cautious! Enemies will be guarding the Meteorite. Pals like Selyne, Xenogard, or Xenovader will appear alongside it.
Steps to Farm Meteorite Fragments:
- Defeat Nearby Enemies:
- The best way to farm Meteorite Fragments is by first defeating the enemies in the vicinity. This ensures you can safely collect the fragments.
- Use Mining Pals or Pickaxe:
- Utilize Pals like Digtoise or Anubis to quickly farm the Meteorite Fragments. Alternatively, you can use your Pickaxe, though this method is slower.
By following these steps, you can efficiently gather Meteorite Fragments in Palworld. These fragments are essential for crafting powerful weapons like the Meteor Launcher and for obtaining Paldium Fragments, making them a valuable resource for your adventures.
Stay alert for Meteorite events and be prepared to tackle the challenges that come with them. Happy gaming!