Netflix Gaming currently remains one of the trending topics on the internet. The streaming giant is all set to enter the much sought-after segment, gaming. While other tech companies are somehow trying to get into the category either with online streaming or a platform to directly play games without a console, Netflix will be ahead leaps and bounds because of all it’s massive customer base. If Netflix is able to play the cards right, it can become a major player in the online gaming segment.
So, Netflix Gaming will be a subscription-based video gaming service offering a premium experience as its streaming category.
Google tried it’s hand with Stadia, but till now have performed poorly. Netflix Gaming can help to offer to developers to let users play games on high-definition directly on their devices without a gaming console or any additional accessory, a direct blow to costly Nintendos and Play Stations. But again, a console offers a very different experience, and online gaming platforms till now have failed poorly, take Stadia.
Netflix Gaming subscription-based service would be similar to Apple Arcade. The global gaming market is growing massively and is stated to be around $300 billion currently. With already a popular category under its nest, Netflix now has a very lucrative segment to explore and a huge revenue source.
It’s no new for Netflix, the streaming giant has shown interest in video games previously. Netflix came up with interactive titles offering films in a video game format letting users choose in between the movie with whatever you want next. The interactive format was used in Black Mirror BanderSnatch, where the viewer has the ability to make decisions.
Netflix also launched You vs. Wild in a similar interactive entertainment format. Stranger Things and Casa De Papel, popular titles by Netflix have been adapted for video games. Netflix Gaming release date, we can expect some update soon, and launch by early 2022.
While the company is yet to confirm any development, if Netflix is going ahead with the gaming section, it will directly take on Apple Arcade and Google Stadia. Amazon will probably come up with a similar platform with Amazon Game Studios. On the other hand, the already established players Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft will continue to grow strong with online subscription based services streamlining their offerings.