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NASA Has Uncovered A Strangely Shaped Crater On Mars

Mars impact craters are round and circular in shape. The explosion was not caused by the object that caused it, but by the large explosion that occurs when two objects collide. NASA Mars mission captured an image of a crater that defies this data at first glance.

The unusual shape of the crater, discovered by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRise Camera, has perplexed scientists.

The crater’s borders do not follow a typical circular shape but instead, clump out along one edge. It is located on Mars’ Surface in an area called Noachis Terra. An orbiter’s camera captured the image in January.

HiRise team posted a photo of the crater on Twitter yesterday, writing, “It has the distinctive raised rim that differentiates it from pits that have purely collapsed

Bryne, a member of the University of Arizona’s HiRise team, explains that huge chunks of the material appear to have drifted into the impact crater in the northeast and northwest corners. He described it as having a “oblong appearance” because the implosion stretched the crater in the specified direction.

The Red Planet, Earth’s neighbour, has several continuous geological processes, which has been observed and is being actively watched by space missions.

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