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American White Park Cattle Facts, and Profile Guide

American White Park Cattle Facts, and Profile Guide

Introduction to American White Park Cattle:

Today, let us discuss about American White Park Cattle.

The American White Park is a large white breed with black color or red points (ears, nose and eyes). Cows average 1000 pounds and bulls between 1700 pounds-1800 pounds. The cattle are predominately polled with 3 to 5 percent horned. They are docile and the cow’s milk well. American White Park cattle are promoted and selected as a beef breed. The breed’s origin, however, is not clear. It is largely descended from the British White, a hornless, dual purpose breed from the eastern countries of England.  Others feel that the American White Park breed is primarily Angus in origin with some White Park breeding introduced from the breeding pairs of White Park brought in during World War II to Canada.  According to this theory the offspring of the original importation sent to the Bronx Zoo, from there they were split into two groups.  One was sent to the King Ranch in Texas and formed the nucleus herd of the White Park in the United States.  The second group was sent to Washington and played a part in the formation of the American White Park. Regardless of the origin of the cattle breed the American White Park should not be confused with the ancient White Park of Britain.  In genetic marker tests the White Park has been found to be a distinct breed from either the American White Park or the British White breed so any contribution they may have made to these cattle breeds has been greatly diluted by the introduction of other breeds.

History of American White Park Cattle:

The history of American White Park Cattle breed is obscure and they are often confused with American British White Cattle. These breeds are indeed very close, but vary in weight by about 300 pounds. It is thought that American White Park Cattle breed is obscure descendents of British White Cattle. Others believe that the American White Park is descended from Angus Cattle breed, and British White blood was not mixed in until World War II, when a breeding pair from the Bronx Zoo was sent to Washington to mix with the American White Park cattle.

The breed association was formed in the year 1975. It maintained an open herd book policy for 6 months during which time 300-400 animals of varying documentation but the correct appearance were included. Since that time a number of purebred British White bulls have been imported into the United States and introduced into American bloodlines.

Read: Jersey Cow Dairy Project Report.

Typical breed Characteristics of American White Park:

A white breed, American White Park Cattle breed has darkly pigmented noses, ears and eyes. Generally, the pigmentation is black color or red. Mature American White Park bulls grow to 1700 pounds or 1800 pounds. Generally, the American White Park cows weigh about 1000 pounds. Although American White Park Cattle breed are polled, two to three percent of the population is born with horns with very little back fat, large cuts, and a high carcass yield, American White Park cows are also good quality milk producers. One could hardly ask for anything more in a cow breed.

The American White Park cattle are a medium to large sized animal with the relatively long body. They are usually white in color with black color points, although the black points can be read occasionally. Both American White Park bulls and cows usually have large horns. The average live body weight of the adult White Park bulls varies from 800 kg to 1000 kg. Their body weight varies depending on the grazing qualities. And the American White Park bulls can weight about 1250 kg under good quality grazing conditions. But the cows are moderately smaller. Their average body weight is between 500 kg and 700 kg.

American White Park Cattle Breed profile:

Breed Name: White Park.

Other Names: Park, White Forest, Wild White, White Horned and also known as the American White Park in North America.

Breed Purpose: Meat, and Milk

Special Notes: Active, Hardy, and Docile.

Breed Size: Medium to Heavy.

Weight: Bulls about 800 to 1000 kg.

Cows about 500 to 700 kg

Climate Tolerance: All climatic conditions.

Coat Color: White

Milk Yield: Poor.

Country/Place of Origin: United Kingdom

Characteristics of American White Park Cattle

The American White Park cattle are a very old breed of cattle. They are robust animals with long and big size. They are excellent for both meat and milk production. The breed is noted for producing quality beef with especially best marbling. They are very hardy, tough and thrifty cattle breed and good for conservation grazing. The White Park cattle thrive on a wide variety of grazing types including very poor coarse forage. The American White Park breed is genetically distant from most other cattle breeds. And this breed’s crosses have a large deal of hybrid vigor.

Coloration: American White Parks are predominantly white color with black points nose, muzzle, eye rims, ears, hooves, teats/tip of scrotum though it’s not uncommon to find animals of this breed cattle with red points as well. There may be little speckles on each animal, depending on each individual bovine and a herd’s color intensity.

Body type and characteristics: This breed is a beef breed, with the muscling and body characteristics similar to all remaining British breeds. The American White Park is a moderate-framed breed, with cows averaging around 1000 lbs and bulls around 1700 lbs to 1800 lbs.

Read: Backyard Fish Farming Guide.

Head characteristics: Most American White Parks are polled, though there are 3 to 5 percent of cattle that can be horned in this breed. However, registered American, British White Park cattle are not horned but are either polled or scurred.

Other characteristics: There is some debate as to where American White Park cattle originated from.  The American White Park breed association was first formed in 1975, and during that time (in which the association kept an open-herd book policy for six months) some British White sires were brought in to develop the breed and help introduce the bloodlines of this breed. This is where, supposedly, the polled version of the breed, cattle started and took over.

American White Parks have the same qualities of that found in British Whites docile, super carcass qualities, great mothering, calving and milking abilities, excellent foraging ability, fertility, freedom from disease, etc.

Most American White Parks are not horned; unlike the ancient White color Parks. Coloration between British White color and American White Parks can be very confusing for most people, since they do look pretty well the same as the other. The only one thing that might be useful in telling these two breeds apart is that all British Whites are polled, however most American White Parks are also polled as well. British Whites may also be a few hundred pounds heavier and bigger than American Whites.


The natural resilience of the American White Park has not been lost with time.  This breed can stay very healthy with minimal intervention.

Cost of American White Park Cattle:

The American White Park cow cost nearly $2000 depends on milk production, age, lactation status and pregnancy status.


American White Park cattle are used for both meat and milk production. The American White Park bulls are also used for crossing other cows.

Advantages of American White Park cattle:

  • Adaptability to most climates.
  • Low maintenance requirements.
  • Ability to thrive on rough forage without supplemental feed.
  • Longevity.
  • Excellent fertility.
  • Easy calving.

Disadvantages of American White Park cattle:

  • Difficult temperament for beginners.
  • Milk production unsuitable for commercial purposes.
  • Slow growth.
  • Poor prices at sale barns.

Read: Catfish Food Information.

Last Updated: December 24, 2018
Author: Jagdish


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