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Asil Chicken Breed Profile, Varieties, Characteristics

Asil Chicken Breed Profile, Varieties, Characteristics

Asil Chicken Information Guide

Today, let us disscuss about Asil Chicken profile, it’s characteristics, and varieties.

Breed  Profile: 

  • Name: Asil or Aseel Chicken.
  • Varieties: there are many Asil chicken varieties, they are categorized by their size and color.
  • Chicken Weight: 4 to 5 lbs.
  • Eggs:5-20 tinted.
  • Cost: 100 to 120 $.
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Purpose: Ornamental
  • Egg Laying: Poor.
  • Egg Color: Cream or Tinted.
  • Egg Size: Medium or large.
  • Comb Type: Pea Comb
  • Feathered Legs: No
  • Number of Toes: 4
  • Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter.
  • Heat Tolerance: Not especially heat hardy.
  • Personality: aggressive and intelligent. Male chickens should be kept separate from the other male chicken.
  • Uses: Fighting, ornamental and pet purpose.

Introduction to Asil Chicken:

Asil is noted for its aggressiveness, high stamina, majestic gait and stubborn fighting qualities. The best specimens of the breed, although rare, and encountered in parts of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Asil hen is a good sitter and the most efficient mother. They possess pea combs that are firmly assault on the head. The Wattles and ear lobes will be in a bright red, and the beak is hart. Asil has a long and slender face uncovered with feathers. They have a compact eye that attracts with bold looks. They have a uniformly thick and long neck. The body is round and short with broad breast straight back and close – set sturdy tail root. The general feather is close, scanty and almost absent on the Brest. The plumage is not fluff and the feathers are very hard. The tail is small and drooping. They have a strong, straight legs.

Origin of Asil Chicken:

Asil chicken or Aseel is an ancient breed of chicken from India, originating from Punjab and South India.These chickens are famous in Southern State of India like Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. This chicken breed is not standardized in India, due to its popularity and demand in Western countries this breed was standardized in USA, UK and Australia. These chicken breeds are introduced to Europe in 1750.

Asil chickens are referred as fighting cocks, these are mainly used for cock fighting which is an old holy tradition in some parts of India. These chickens are strongest gamers in the world. Asil bird is very smart, strongly muscled. Asil chicken have an aggressive behavior and often fight even from week age. Asil chicken roosters will fight to the death and even hens are aggressive towards each other.

Asil chickens are very polite and trusting towards humans. Asil hens are not good layer and are good sitters.  Laying of chicken depends on the variety, small Asil are not good layers, larger Asil are good layers they can lay 40 eggs per year.

Read: Poultry Questions and Answers.

Physical Characteristics of Asil Chicken:

Asil chicken are good fighters. Asil chicken are very beautiful birds, they have a wide and colorful and beautiful chest with long neck and legs compared to other chicken breeds.

There are many varieties of Asil chickens, some are standardized for shows such as the Reza Asil in the UK, some are simply named after the area where they are bred like the Mianwali Asil from West Pakistan or the color, red/wheaten Asil are usually referred to as “Sonatol”.

There are hen-feathered Asil is aware of as “Madaroo” these are found in varied colors, but the cocks come with feathers in hen color, don’t have sickle feathers in the tails and miss the massive hanging feathers on the saddle. This variety is very rare.

Asil with feather beards underneath their beaks referred to as “muffed” and with tufts on the highest of their heads referred to as “tasseled” also are seen but are very rare especially outside India/Pakistan.

There are many types of Asil chickens are accessible. Depending on the range, the color of feathers can be black, red or mixed. Some have a small pea comb. Most of the Asil chicken varieties are huge in size and hardy. Diseases are pretty less. On an average an adult Asil rooster weighs about 3kg – 4kg, and an adult hen can weight about 2.5kg – 3kg.

Some Asil Chicken Varieties:

Kilimookku Aseel (Parrot Beak/Nose Long Tail): this variety Asil chicken is huge and muscular and looks like body builders, they have a long tail with very short, thick beaks like a Parrot. This variety Asil chickens are refereed as warriors with gait and the proud attitude. This variety Asil chicken is categorized into many types based on their physic and color combination.

  • MayilKaruppu (Black and yellow)
  • Kagam/sengaruppu (Black and red)
  • Sevalai (Red)
  • KarumKeeri/Senkeeri (black/red dotted)
  • Sambal Boothi (Grey)
  • KokkuVellai (White)
  • Noolan (white and black)
  • Pondram (Golden brown)

Madras Aseel: It is a huge Asil chicken, the body and color classification are like long tail parrot beak Asil. These chickens have a normal tail and nose. These chickens are mainly used for knife-fighting.

Reza Asil: These are most popular Asil variety, the chicken grows up to 50 cm tall and the hen weighs 1.8 kg and cock weighs 2.7 to 3kg.

Kulang Asil: These are large asil chickens, they weigh up to 75 cm tall and weighs upto 5 to 7 kg. These birds will be in a bluish color.

Sindhi Asil: These are fighting cocks, these are tall, heavy and are very aggressive in behavior.   These chickens have a compact body, broad shoulders, wings with short and  hard feather. These asil chickens have a large beak.

Some other varieties are Mianwali, Java Aseel, Amroha, Bantam Asil, and Lasani Aseel Breed.

Asil Chicken Behavior:

Asil hens square measure seasonal layers and lay several eggs, however they’re wonderful mothers.Hens square measure apt to become broody and build wonderful sitters and protecting mothers.Asil chicks take longer to be mature and that they can typically fight with alternative chicks from a awfully early age.So, it’ll be knowing keep them separate.Otherwise they’ll fight to the death if given the prospect.Asil chickens need more room to grow utterly compared to alternative chicken breeds.Despite being fighting birds, they’re terribly friendly towards humans and might be tamed terribly simply.Asil chickens don’t move in an exceedingly cold climate and that they typically like dry conditions.Nowadays, pure breed Asil chickens square measure exhausting to search out and that they are rare birds currently.

Advantages of Asil Chicken Farming:

  • Asil are Beautiful birds.
  • Very intelligent birds.
  • Very healthy meat and egg with rich vitamins and proteins.
  • Asil are Loyal pets.
  • Very strong and resistant to all weather conditions and diseases.

Disadvantages of Asil Chciken Farming:

  • These are stubborn and aggressive.
  • It’s very tough to maintain the many rooster or hens at a place, as they fight a lot.
  • Maturity time too long.
  • Asil are not good layers.

Read: Goat Farming In India.

Last Updated: November 16, 2018
Author: Jagdish


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