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Baby Corn Farming Information Guide

Baby Corn Farming Information Guide

Baby Corn Farming  Guide :

Baby Corn Farming
Baby Corn Farming

Introduction of Baby Corn: – Baby Corn maize is one of the valued vegetables gaining popularity throughout the world including in India. What is baby corn? It is nothing but “cobs removed within 4 to 5 days after their emergence”.

Baby corn cultivation practices or methods are similar to regular commercial maize cultivation practices. The only difference is the harvesting period or duration of the crop. Baby corn crop duration is about 2 months where as regular corn/maize crop duration is 4 months. In India, Baby corn consumed as fresh vegetable in curries, pickles, pulav, soups, salads and snacks. Baby corn is rich in fiber and phosphorus. This vegetable is low in calories and free cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Baby Corn:-  Following are the  health benefits of baby corn.

  • Baby corn is a low calorie vegetable.
  • Baby corn helps in weight management.
  • Baby corn is a low-carb, high-fiber, fat-free vegetable.
  • Baby corn is nutrient-rich and good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Baby corn has low glycemic index than regular corn. Hence good for controlling blood sugar levels.
Health Benefits of Baby Corn
Health Benefits of Baby Corn

Major Baby Corn Grown States in India:- NEH  states of India.

Improved Varieties of Baby Corn in India: – There are some improved baby corn varieties developed for good yield and short duration. Prakash, Vivek Maize Hybrid 23,COBC 1, Vivek Maize Hybrid 25, HM-4, HIM 129,Hybrid maize 5, Pusa Extra Early Hybrid maize 5, DHM 109, MTH-14, RCM 1-1,VL Makka 42, RCM 1-3, MLY & Golden baby.

Climate Requirement for Baby Corn Farming:- Baby corn crop requires good sunlight with temperature range of  22°C to 28°C for optimal growth. This crop does not grow well in high temperature regions exceeding 30°C.However there are baby corn varieties developed for low chilling areas.

Soil Requirement for Baby Corn Farming:- Well drained sandy loam soils with pH value of 6 to 7 will be suitable for baby corn cultivation. This crop also grows in high acidic soils but cannot survive in wet and poor drain lands.

Land Preparation in Baby Corn Farming:- Land should be incorporated with Farm Yard Manure of 15 tonnes/ha. Plough the land with disc plough. Use cultivator ploughing twice after the disc ploughing to obtain the soil fine tilth which will provide good aeration and better germination of seeds. Form ridges and furrows in the field @ a spacing of 45 x 25 cm.

Propagation in Baby Corn Farming: – Propagation in Baby Corn cultivation is done by seeds.

Seed Rate and Spacing in Baby Corn Farming:- Selection of good quality seeds is important in baby corn faming. Seed rate in this crop is about 20 to 25 kg per hectare land. In baby corn cultivation, Plant-to Plant spacing should be 15 cm and  Row-to-Row spacing should be 45 cm.

Seed Treatment and Sowing method in Baby Corn Farming:- Baby corn seeds need be protected from seed borne and soil borne diseases. Selecting quality seeds is the best method to avoid these. However, as a precaution, to prevent the seeds from soil, seed borne diseases & insects/pests, they should be treated with fungicides & insecticides.

  • Bavistin :Captain in 1:1 ration @ 2 grams /kg of seeds for leaf/sheath blight
  • Thiram @ 2grams/kg of seeds to control the downy mildew
  • carbendazim @ 3 grams/kg of seeds to control seed rot & seedling blight
  • Fipronil @ 4ml /kg of seeds to control the termite and shoot fly.
  • Also treating with 3 to 4 packets of Azospirillum before sowing would increase the quality and yield of baby corn.

Planting / Sowing Season in Baby Corn Farming:- This crop can be cultivated throughout the year. However, it can be sown from Jan to October depending on the moisture content of the field and irrigated conditions. Sowing in May 2nd week followed by 3rd week of April produced highest yield.

Thinning and gap filling in Baby Corn Farming:- It is better to have only one healthy seed per hole, if two seeds  are sown. Remove the other un healthy seed after 2 weeks of sowing. In case, where seedlings are not germinated, presoaked seeds should be dibbed @ 2 seeds per hole and immediate irrigation should be carried out.

Manures and Fertilizers in Baby Corn Farming:- Apply FYM 15 tonnes per hectare land at the time of land preparation.

Apply NPK of 75: 60: 20 kg/ha as basal, 80 kg of Nitrogen and 20 kg of Potash as top dressing fertilizers after 3 weeks of sowing.

Irrigation in Baby Corn Farming:- Baby corn crop does not tolerate water logging/stagnation. Hence Field should have good internal drainage. At the time of seedlings, 3/4 meter of height, tasseling & silking stages, make sure to carry out irrigations for better yield. Excessive water will damage the crop (If the water is logged for more then 3 to 4 days). In rainy season, irrigation is not required unless there is a long dry spell.

Weed Control in Baby Corn Farming:- Weed control is an important operation in baby corn farming. 2 to 3 manual weeding would be enough to control the weeds in baby corn cultivation. In case of kharif season and when soil is wet, it is difficult to carry out any agricultural operations. In such scenarios, using herbicides may help in controlling the weeds. Simazine or Atrazine should be applied immediately after sowing. The rate of application depends on the soil type, on average 1 to 1.50 kg /ha/ in 500 to 650 liters of water should be applied. (Note: These herbicides should be applied only when soil has enough moisture content).

First weeding  should be done : 2 weeks after sowing.
Earthing up and top dressing  should be done after : 3 to 4 weeks after sowing.
De-Tasseling (removal of male flowers before pollen shedding) should be done after : 40 – 40 days.

Pests and Diseases in Baby Corn Farming:- Shoot fly , Pink borer & Stem borer are the common serious pests in baby corn crop. Spraying of carbaryl @ 700 grams per hectare in 700 liter of water will control these pests. Application of bleaching powder is helpful to preventing the mole attack. At 3 to 4 weeks crop stage, 5% neem seed kernel extract should be applied as a precautionary control measure. Seed borne and soil borne disease controls already explained in seed treatment section of this article.

Inter cropping in Baby Corn Farming:-  This crop will result in good profits, if  it is cultivated with intercrop. Intercropping is good in improving soil fertility. Short duration varieties of intercrops are recommended in baby corn intercropping. Fertilizers are required for intercrop in addition to baby corn crop. The best intercrop combinations of baby corn are:

  • Baby corn — <Inter crop with>Potato –  Garden pea- Onion – Garlic – Methi – Sugar beet – Radish – Carrot – Coriander – Palak /Spinach – Turnip – Lettuce– Broccoli  & Gladiolus.

Harvesting of Baby Corn:-  Baby corn crop will be ready for harvesting  when baby corn silk comes out 2 to 3 cm from the top of ears, usually in 3 to 5 days after their emergence. Small cobs needs to be plucked without damaging the plant. In Golden Baby , VL Makka 42 varieties, cob will be ready for harvesting in 50 days after sowing the seed. After first harvesting (7 to 10 days), second and third cobs will be ready to be plucked. An average size of cobs/baby corn is 8 to 10 cm long with golden yellow colour.

Yield of Baby Corn: Yield of baby corn depends on the variety selected and good crop cultivation practices. An average yield in baby corn farming is as follows:

  • Tender Cob/Baby corn is about: 6700 kg per hectare.
  • Green Fodder is about: 33 tonnes per hectare.

Bottom Line of Baby Corn Farming:- Excellent profits can be obtained with baby corn crop.

Want to read about Goat and Sheep Farming in India: Read Here.

Last Updated: April 7, 2018
Author: Jagdish


  1. good morning sir i have 10 acrees of land with borwell in denkaniokotta next hosur 50km from bangalore so iwant cultivation of baby corn give more details

  2. We are interested in baby corn cultivation.. Last week we cut our maize crop.. So we r planned for baby corn.. We r from chikkamagaluru dist. Karnataka .. Wat time is gud for our next crop culture…

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