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Bannur Sheep Breed Profile Information

Bannur Sheep Breed Profile Information

Bannur Sheep Breed Info:

Bannur Sheep Breed
Bannur Sheep Breed.

Introduction of Bannur Sheep Breed:- Bannur sheep is also known as Mandya sheep and Bandur sheep in India. This breed name is originated from the village called “Bandur” in Karnataka. This breed is mainly distributed in the Bannur district and regions bordering the Mysore district of Karnataka state. This breed is purely reared for meat purpose and the quality of the meat is excellent. Even though, the breed characteristics and weight gain are not superior when compared to other breeds, due to its taste and quality of meat, it has huge demand in the market.

Bannur Sheep Breed Characteristics:- These animal are small and usually coloured in white and in some cases, face would be in brown colour till the neck point. This sheep breed has compact body with typical reversed U shape conformation from the rear view. This sheep ears are long, leafy and drooping and tail is short and thin. A large percentage of breed carry wattles with slightly Roman nose.

This sheep breed coat is usually coarse and hairy and this animal flock size is relatively small.

Reproduction in Bannur Sheep Breed:- This breed gives the first birth at the age of 650 days with a lambing interval of 380 days. The lambing percentage is about 75% and litter size is single.

Breeding in Bannur Sheep Breed:- The sheep breed is pure and rams are selected on the basis of body weight and confirmation.

Bannur Sheep (Ram)
Bannur Sheep (Ram)

Other Details:- The dressing percentage (live weight basis at 12 months age) in Bannur or bannur sheep breed is about 48% and an annual wool production is about 380 grams.

Body Weight in Bannur Sheep Breed:- Following chart represent the physical characteristics in bannur sheep breed.

Physical Characteristics Adult males Adult females
Body weight (kg) 35 24
Body length (cm) 64 59
Height at withers (cm) 62 56
Chest girth (cm) 79 65

Performance of the Bannur Sheep Breed:- The following chart shows the weight gain stages at different levels.

At birth 2 kg
At weaning 10 kg
6 months 13 kg
12 months 22kg

Bottom Line:- This sheep farming is suitable for meat purpose. Usually the live weight price of the male sheep is about 220 Rs/kg where as female live weight price is about 180 to 190 Rs/kg.

For Silage making process for sheep : Read Here.

For More Sheep and Goat farming Information: Read Here.

Last Updated: April 7, 2018
Author: Jagdish


  1. I am planning to start sheep farming , so I request for sheep farming information. I want sheep breeds for farm as well. Please guide me.

    • Hi,

      Here is some information about Sheep Farming Business.

      If you want to know about Indian Sheep Breeds, Read : Here.

      We don’t sell any sheep. You can get from sheep breeding centered in your area. There are many sheep markets in most years once in a week. you can buy healthy, good sheep breeds.

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