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Dairy Project Report With 50 Murrah Buffaloes

Dairy Project Report With 50 Murrah Buffaloes

Dairy Project Report:

Dairy Project Report - Murrah Buffaloes.
Dairy Project Report – Murrah Buffaloes.

Dairy Project Report – Introduction of Murrah Buffalo :- Well, let us discuss about  Murrah buffalo project report. This report is about 50 Murrah buffaloes in dairy farming. This report includes about total project cost of 50 Murrah buffaloes and subsidies, bank loans and profits in India.

The following dairy project report is based on following assumptions for Murrah buffalo dairy for successful farming.

  • Freshly calved Murrah female buffaloes in first or second lactation should be purchased in 2 batches of 25 animals.
  • And each batch at an interval of 5 to 6 months of time frame.
  • Make sure to have/own 9 to 10 acres of land for green fodder growing.
  • Buffalo dung is used as organic fertilizer manure for green fodder cultivation.
  • Cost of rearing or growing calves not considered as it will be repealed by their sale.
  • In case of death of adult animal, new buffalo will be purchased or replaced from insurance claim money or buying.
  • Heifers can be used as replacement stocks.

Note: The actual amounts may change based on region, current market prices and other factors.

Type of animal (breed)Murrah Breed
Quantity of Murrah buffaloes50
Menger per young stock in inches15
Construction cost of o floor in q.ft 
Price for Murrah buffalo including transportation55,000 ( However, it may depends on age and other factors)
Milk yield of Murrah per day14 to 15 liters
Floor space for covered animal (adult)30-35 sq.ft.
Open space adult Murrah90-100 sq.ft.
Menger length/Murrah buffalo
25 inches
Covered Floor space/calf
15 sq.ft.
Open floor space for/calf50 sq.ft
Menger/calf stock15 inches
Construction cost of office & floor250 sq.ft
Construction cost200 Rs/sq.ft
Milking machine and accessories cost4,30,0000 Rs
Other equipment cost/buffalo1,000 Rs
Green fodder cultivation cost/acre/season5000 Rs
Veterinary expenses/buffalo/year1000 Rs
Insurance premium5% per/year
Dry fodder Cost1 Rupee/kg
Concentrate feed cost12 Rs/kg
Interest  Rate12%
Period of repayment6 years
Milk selling price/liter24 Rs
Gunny bags sale price10 Rs
Lactation period270 days
Dry period150 days

 Dairy Project Report : Feeding (Daily) & Cost Chart for each Murrah Buffalo:

Feed ItemCost of feed/kg Lactation PeriodDry Period
Quantity in Kg’sCost in Rs.Quantity in Kg’sCost in Rs.
Concentrate feed 126.578112
Green fodder 125Grown at your field20Grown at your field
Dry fodder 2612510
Total  90 Rs 22 Rs

Dairy Project Report: Project cost and Bank loan Information.

Project Cost. Amount in Rs.
Capital cost 
Total covered area for 50 Buffaloes @ 30sq.ft/buffalo @ 200/sq.ft.3,00,000
Total covered area for 50 calves @ 15 sq.ft./calf @ 200/sq.ft.1,50,000
Construction cost of boundary and manger for open space.2,50,000
Store room construction cost for 200 sq.ft @ 250 per sq.ft.50,000
Office and marketing room construction cost for 250 sq.ft. @ 250 per sq.ft.62,500
Cost of 50 Murrah Buffaloes with minimum average 15 liter milk yield /day @55000/buffaloes including transport.27,50,000
Generator set cost.80,000
Milking machine, accessories and installation cost .4,30,000
Dairy appliance cost /animal@ 1000 Rs50,000
Bulk cooler of 500 liter capacity cost.2,70,000
Bore well and pump set cost.70,000
Electrical related cost.30,000
Overhead tank and pipe line cost.70,000
Chaff cutter for green fodder and dry fodder.90,000

Dairy Project Report: Recurring cost details:

Item details.Amount in Rs.
Feed cost for first batch of 25 buffaloes for one month as per feed chart above.67,500
Insurance premium for 25 buffaloes @ 5% of buffalo cost.68,750
Green fodder cultivation cost 10 acres of land for one session crop.50,000
Cost of vaccination and medicines, electricity for the first month.10,000
Contingency (an incidental expense).11,250
Total recurring expenditure:2,07,500
Total Project Cost  (Project cost + Total recurring expenditure).46,52,500 + 2,07,500 = 48,60,000
Margin money (no margin money up to one lakh finance as per RBI instructions).12,15,000
Bank loan: 100% of project cost:36,45,000

Note: The above dairy project report is a sample model only.

For Murrah Buffalo Details :  Read here.

For Asia agriculture : Read here.

Last Updated: April 7, 2018
Author: Jagdish


  1. Hello sir

    I am planning to setup a dairy farm with 200 quantity of Murrah buffalos at my home town . I have 30 acres of land, can u suggest me how can i got the subsidy and bank loan for dairy farming.

  2. can you help me to make a report on a farm of 75 livestock buffalo? will i get loan for livestock farmng?

    Im plannig to buy calves as 2 set ,50 at first and 25 in another 6 months!

  3. Hi

    I am planning to set up a dairy farm with max 20 to 25 of Murrah buffaloes.I have my own land of 4 acres. Please can you give your suggestion, how to get this

  4. Great! This is quite informative.

    However, so as to check the return on investment, Can you tell us how many years one can get the milk from Murrah Buffalo in their lifetime? I know it depends on the condition of buffaloes, but can you provide a tentative figure (years) that one can milk them in their life?

    Thank you in advance.

  5. Hello sir,

    Myself LakshmiGautham , can I get the loan for Dairy Farming in (PMEGP ) PRIME MINISTER EMPLOYMENT GENERATION PROGRAMME .

    can you give me the details.

    Thank you sir,

  6. hello sir,

    my self rituraj thakur (belongs to bihar),I am planning to setup a dairy farm with 100 quantity of cow or buffaloes at my home town . please suggest me which option (cow/buffaloes ) is more beneficial for me.

  7. Hello.

    I have 5 acres (outskirts of Hyderabada) with plenty water…want to start dairy …what financial and technical support and regular guidance and from where can i get.


  8. Hi Agri Farming Team,

    Thanks for such wonderful information sharing with us!!!.

    i am from Praygaaj( Previously known as Allahabad Uttar Pradesh) and planning to set up Dairy farm of 50 Murrah Buffalo.

    Could you please advice what is real price of Murrah Buffalo with yield 15 ltr./day and what will be its complete production in entire lactation period.

    Also kindly advice from where i can contact and start my preparation of obtaining such good Pashudhan.

    Kindly also let me know if we can get some consulatation advice from Agri team over the phone.


    Masood Faisal.

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