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Mustard Farming Information Detailed Guide

Mustard Farming Information Detailed Guide

Mustard Farming Information :-

Mustard Farming
Mustard Farming.

Introduction of Mustard:- Mustard belongs to the family of “Cruciferae” and popularly used in Indian cooking. India is number one in production of mustard. Mustard gives edible oil which is used as cooking In India. Mustard seed is used as condiment in the preparation of vegetable and curries in India. Split mustard seed  and oil is used for pickling. The methi leaves of the young plants are used as vegetable. It can be used as oil cake to feed cattle.

Major Mustard production states in India:-  Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar-Pradesh, West Bengal, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Assam are major mustard seeds producing states in India.

Health Benefits of Mustard:-  Some of the health benefits of Mustard are given below.

  • Helps in controlling symptoms of asthma.
  • Prevents from gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Helps in weight loss.
  • Helps in relieving arthritic & muscle pain.
  • Help in slow ageing (Anti Ageing).
  • Helps in lowering cholesterol & stimulates hair growth.

Local Names of Mustard in India:- Rai, Banarasi rai, Kalee sarson (Hindi), Rai (Gujarati),Sasave (Kannada), Assue,Sorisa (Kashmiri), Avalu (Telugu), Kadugo (Tamil), Kaduku(Malayalam), Rai, Banarasi rai, Kalee sarson (Punjabi).

Mustard Flowering
Mustard Flowering.

Commercial hybrid varieties of Mustard in India:- Pusa Agrani (SEJ-2), Kranti,Pusa Vijay (NPJ-93),Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ-17),Pusa Karishma (LES-39),Sita,Pusa Mahak (JD-6),Pusa Mustard 21 (LES 1 27),Pusa Mustard 22 (LET -17),NPJ-112 (Pusa Mustard 25), Varuna,Krishna,Pusa Mustard-24 (LET-18),Pusa Tarak (EJ-13),Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ-113),Pusa Mustard 28 (NPJ-124),Punjab bold.

Climatic requirements for Mustard Farming:- Mustard is grown in subtropical climate. Mustard thrives well in dry and cool climate, therefore mustard mostly grown as Rabi season crop. Mustard crop requires the temperatures between 10°C to 25°C.Mustard crop is grown in the areas receiving 625 -1000 mm yearly rainfall. This crop does not tolerate frost, so it requires clear sky with frost free conditions.

Soil Requirements for Mustard Farming:- Mustard can be grown in wide varieties of soils that ranges from light to heavy loamy soils. Medium to deep soils with good drainage is best suitable for mustard cultivation. Soil ideal pH range for Mustard is 6.0 to 7.5.Make sure to carry out a soil test to find out the soil properties like soil type, strength and nutritious levels.

Preparation of Land in Mustard Farming:- 1 to 2 ploughings and two harrowing should be given as part of field preparation. For second crop cultivation, field should be prepared by giving 2 crosswise harrowing after kharif crop.

Seed Treatment in Mustard Farming:- Seeds should be treated with thiram at 3 grams per kg of mustard seed to protect the plants from seed diseases.

Brown mustard seed
Brown mustard seed.

Sowing methods and seed rate in Mustard Farming:- Mustard usually sown in Sept – Oct months. If mustard crop as pure one, it should be sown by drilling method or if this crop as mixed crop, seeds should  be sown by broadcasting or drilling method.mix the seeds with fine sand for uniform spacing. For better germination, seeds should be sown maximum of 6 cm depth in the soil. Make sure there is enough moisture present in the soil when seeds are sown.

In pure mustard crop seed rate could be about   4 – 6 kg per hectare.

in mixed crop seed rate could be about               2 – 3 kg per hectare.

Spacing in Mustard Farming:- Spacing of plants should be about 45 cm x 20 cm.

Mustard as mixed crop:- Mustard can be grown as mixed crop with gram, wheat & lentils. If you are planning mustard as an inter crop, one line of mustard and four lines of gram or  one line of mustard and nine lines of wheat should be sown.

Manures and Fertilization in Mustard Farming:-  7 to 12 tons of Farm Yard Manure (F.Y.M) per hectare should be added as part of the field preparation.20 to 25 kg P2O5 and 30 to 35 kg N  per hectare should be applied in rain fed condition at the time of sowing. 40 to 45 kg N, 30 to 35 kg P2O5 and 20 to 25 kg K2O per hectare should be applied below the seed at sowing time of irrigated crop. After 1 month of sowing, 20 to 25 kg N per hectare should be applied as top dressing.

Irrigation in Mustard Farming:- Pre-soaking irrigations should be given before sowing the seeds. 3 irrigations should be applied @ 4 weeks interval after sowing the seeds.

Weed control/Inter culture operations in Mustard Farming:-  2 to 3 weeding  &  2 hoeing should be given @ 2 weeks interval. Thinning should be done after 2 weeks time interval( in case of pure mustard crop). In cased of mixed crop, mustard crop receives from the inter cultivation given to main crop.

Harvesting of Mustard:-  Harvesting should be carried out as soon as the pods begins to turn yellow color & seed becomes hard. The mustard crop matures in about 110 to 140 days. Harvesting should be done in early morning hours to avoid any shattering of seed. Use sickle to cut the crop close to the ground.

Post Harvesting Tasks in Mustard Farming:- Harvested mustard plants should be tied into bundles, keep them in sun for 5 to 6 days to dry. Threshing can be carried out by beating the mustard plants with stick. Winnowing is done to separate the grain form husk.

Yield of Mustard:-  An Average yield of 400 kg per hectare can be expected. Under good Variety and management actives, yield can be about 1000 kg per hectare.

To know about Sheep or Goat Farming : Read Here.

Last Updated: April 7, 2018
Author: Jagdish


  1. I want to set one mustard oil extrusion plant in West Bengal. Can I find enough raw material in west Bengal. Who is the best machinery manufacturer for mustard oil extrusion.

  2. I just want to ask can we have mustard sowing like potato sowing … like in Kyari – Ridge in order to have better irrigation and better elevation also we give 3 feet gap between the two lines..like a potato when we seed like inline… i hope you understand my concern…do we loose or its not a better idea to go like this.. we can use potato harvester and manage to put seed after making line either manually or thru a small device…best regards Dinkar

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