Red Sindhi Cow Cost, Milk Per Day, and Profile
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Introduction of Red Sindhi Cow /Cattle:
Today, the discussion is about Red Sindhi Cow Profile, Cost, and Milking Capabilities.
Red Sindhi breed originated from Pakistan. Karachi, Lasbela and Hyderabad are the ancient living place of these cattle. The color of this breed is red and so they are known as Red Sindhi. This cow breed can be found in Pakistan, India, Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Africa and some other country. The Red Sindhi breed originates from a mountain are called ‘Mahal Kohistan’. Red Sindhi cattle /cows are the most popular of all dairy cattle breeds. It originated in Hyderabad and Bikaner. They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate origin dairy breeds in many countries to combine their tropical adaptations (heat tolerance, tick resistance, disease resistance, fertility at higher temperatures, etc.) with higher milk production found in temperate regions. It has been crossed with Jerseys in many places, including India, US, Australia, Sri Lanka, etc.
Physical Characteristics of Red Sindhi Cow / Cattle:.
- This is a medium-sized breed, with a compact build and red colored body.
- Red Sindhi Cow produces calf at the age of 3 years for the first time.
- Adult bull weights about 350-400 kg and adult cow weights about 400-500 kg.
- The annual milk production of this Red Sindhi cow is 3500 kg.
Sr. No. | Feature | Male | Female |
1 | Height (avg. cm) | 130 | 120 |
2 | Body length (avg. cm) | 140 | 140 |
3 | Heart girth (avg. cm) | 180 | 140 |
4 | Weight (avg. kg) | 450 | 320 |
5 | Birth weight (avg. kg) | 22.5 | 21.4
Functional Characteristics of Red Sindhi Cow /Cattle:
Red Sindhi cows are high milk yielders and are perchance the most economical milk producers amongst the Indian breeds of cattle. Yields as high as 5,450 kg in a lactation of a little over 300 days have been recorded, the average lactation yield in well-maintained herds is 2,146 kg. Sindhi cows calve for the first time at a standard age of 41 months. The max daily yield recorded is 23.8 kg and the fat percentage average 5.02.
Typical breed characteristics of Red Sindhi Cow /Cattle:
- The sheath in Red Sindhi is pendulous in males, but nominal in females.
- Red Sindhi Udder is medium to large and strong.
- These are hardy and adapt very well to stressful environments.
The color of the breed is deep dark-red, but varies from a dull yellow to almost dark brown are found. The Red Sindhi bull, as a rule, runs to a much darker red than the cow, its extremities being almost black when full grown. A white marking on the forehead with a little sprinkling of white along the dewlap and’ underneath the barrel is generally permitted, but pronounced patches of white or gray color indicate an admixture of inheritance.
These animals, either male or female, are of medium size and in shape they are compact and symmetrical with the true wedge shape in the case of the female. The average mature female weighs about 340 kg and the male about 420 kg. The Sindhi cow is particularly docile and is a distinctive dairy animal.
The head is of moderate size, well proportioned with clear-cut outlines which give an impression of centuries of good breeding. The face is of medium size, length and is clear-cut, gradually tapering into a square, and has a well-developed black muzzle with wide nostrils and muscular lips. Eyes are large, clear and well set apart with eyebrows rather light.
The ears are of medium size. Generally, the skin inside is colored butter yellow with a dark fringe along the edge. The common form of horns is short and thick. They emerge laterally from the poll and curve upwards, forwards and inwards to end in rather blunt points far apart.
Body and Limbs:
They are generally deep, and give a rugged appearance, though free from coarseness. Neck is generally short and thick at junction with the head, but evenly joined at the shoulders. Dewlap is rather abundant both in males and females, but thin and hangs in nice folds, with a soft mellow feel. Jaws are very strong with the dewlap extending well underneath the lower jaw. Chest is broad and deep with a lean brisket set broad. Legs are straight and medium sized, but strong with fine clean bones. Knees are flat, but very strong. The shoulders are not heavy and smoothly blend into the body. The hump is medium-sized, but developed in bull, sloping gradually forward, but with an abrupt fall at the back. Pasterns are medium in size and clean-cut. Hoofs are medium in size, black, fairly hard, slightly pointed in front and set well apart.
Barrel is very long, deep and well rounded with good proportion. Ribs are long and broad, wide apart and well-sprung, giving the wedge shape with deep large stomach firmly held up. In the male Sindhi the sheath are inclined to be pendulous with the rudimentary teats prominent and well spaced at the base.
Red Sindhi Cow Milk per Day:
Red Sindhi Cows can yield more than 12 liters per day.
Cost of Red Sindhi Cow / Cattle:
Usually, Red Sindhi cow costs depending milk production, age, lactation status and pregnancy status. Generally, Pregnant Red Sindhi cow costs more than dry ones.
On an average you can buy a Red Sindhi cow for Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 70,000.
Red Sindhi Cow Breeding Profile:
- Horns: About 12-14’’ in size and grow upward &backwards.
- Udder: Capacious & Pendulous.
- Average per day production: 8-10kg per day milk production.
- Average lactation yield: 2500-2700kg per lactation.
- Average milk Fat%: 5% fat.
Natural breeding and artificial insemination, both are right for Red Sindhi cows. In natural breeding Sindhi bulls will observe their cows until the cows are prime for breeding. The Red Sindhi bull will breed once and then leave the cow alone. Even under harsh climates, or with poor feed, cows will continue to cycle and produce healthy calves. It has been crossed with including Holstein-Friesian, Brown Swiss and Danish Red. This has caused it to lose favor with some commercial dairies in India and Pakistan, which have been phasing out their Sindhi herds by breeding to Sahiwal bulls for a few generations. Red Sindhi cattle are also used for milk production in Brazil, but this contest of zebu is not popular as others.
Advantages of Red Sindhi Cattle:
- Milk contains 5% fat.
- Red Sindhi cow gives more than 12 liters milk daily.
- Sindhi bulls become very strong.
- They can stand the rigors of climatic, environmental conditions.
Read: Sheep Farming In India.
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