Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse Guide
Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:

Ideal Rose Seedlings in Greenhouse Cultivation:- Usually 1 year-old budded rose plants having at least 3 to 4 canes are most suitable for greenhouse production.
Varieties (or) Cultivars Ideal for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:- Grand Galla, Kiss, First Red, Golden Gates, Mercedez, Konfetti, Starlite, Vivaldi, Ravel, and Noblesse.
Planting Season for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:- Ideal planting season for rose in greenhouse farming is Oct to Dec month.

Planting Density for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse :- The Rose planting should be done in 2-row system in greenhouse. The optimum planting density should be 7 to 14 plants/sq.m (50 to 60 thousand bushes per 1 hectare area).
Temperature requirement for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:- Generally, the greenhouse temperature should be maintained @ 20°C-21°C on cloudy days and 24°C-28°C on sunny days for high yield and best quality. However, the optimum temperature range is 15°C to 27°C for rose cultivation in greenhouse.
Fertilizer Requirement for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:- Liquid fertilizers containing 200 to 225 ppm of nitrogen and 150 to 160 ppm of potassium should be applied. Magnesium and iron should be applied with need base. This gives good yield on wide range of soils. For more number of basal sprouts, bind the unproductive rose plant shoots.

Harvesting for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:- Red and pink varieties can be harvested when first two petals of flowers start to unfold & calyx is rflexed below the horizontal lane. Yellow type rose should be harvested slightly earlier and white rose types slightly later than red and pink varieties.
After cutting, the stem ends should be dipped in 200 to 500 ppm aluminium sulphate or citric acid and placed in cold storage @ 10°C till grading. Plant stem ends should be re-cut, bunched in 20’s and placed in preservative solution of sucrose up to 2 percent.

Yield for Rose Cultivation in Greenhouse:- Any yield depends on the greenhouse practices and variety. In rose flower cultivation, an average yield of 225-350 stems/sq.m can be obtained. To increase the flower yield, spray BAP 50 to 100 ppm before flowering. Another method of increasing rose flower yield is by burning of saw-dust during winter months in the morning time (6 to 10 am) . This will greatly increase flower yield as well as quality.
For greenhouse cost and profit Details: Read Here.
For special practices in greenhouse cultivation: Read Here.
For complete rose farming Information: Read Here.
Interested in sheep farming or goat farming business: Read Here.
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1 acre green house for rose production,give the details of project.We have to go to execute the project in this year,60km near to Pune , Maharashtra.Kindly guide me and how your company can help in this regard.
We are not company and individuals providing information to help beginners. You can get subsidies for Greenhouse Set up. We will update Greenhouse Rose Farming Project soon. Meanwhile, you can just get an idea of reading this: Greenhouse Cost and Profits.
I want to know more about the rose farming . I am from east uttar Pradesh. Kindly help me…..thank you.
Here are some more articles about Rose Cultivation: Rose Cultivation.
Hello sir,
I have a land in hanumangarh, Rajasthan and I’m interested in setup my plant. So my question to you is which is more suitable polyhouse farming or greenhouse farming as per the weather condition of our area. Also suggest some tips regarding what to grow in Polyhouse or Greenhouse.
You can go for both. However, Greenhouse Farming cost more. Polyhouse is the best option as there state government subsidies are available. You can read Polyhouse Subsidy, Cost and Profit.
Sir, I am growing dutch rosed in my polyhouse. My plants are infested with thrips. I have used many insecticides to control it but failed. Please suggest how to control it.
Please check the following:
Plant Disease Management
Dutch Rose Cultivation in Polyhouse