Sheep Breeding Project Report, Economics, Income
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Sheep Breeding Project Report For 100 Female Sheep(Ewe’s), and 4 Male(Ram’s) Sheep:
Today, we are discussing the Sheep Breeding Project Report, Economics, Cost, and Income.
Project Assumptions and Pre-requisites to establish the said sheep breeding farm:

Sheep Breeding Project Size: 100 females breeders plus 4 male breeders (100+4).
Female sheep(Ewe) and Male Sheep(Ram) Ratio: 4:1.
Sheep Rearing System: Zero grazing /Stall-fed.
Sheep Breeds considered in this report: Jodopi, or Nellore Brown, or similar kind.
Sheep housing area/Shed area: 1200 Square feet of covered area.
Exercise paddock area: 3,500 square feet.
Type of Drinkers and Feeders used: Mobile drinkers and feeders. These feeders can be bought in the market which is readily available.
Green Forage/Fodder Crops and Silage:
- Maize crop: 2 to 3 crops/1 acre/year.
- Lucerne crop: the first cut should be after 45 days of sowing. Subsequent cuts for every 25 to 30 days.
- Silos construction: Construction above ground or below ground. Silo size should be depending on your requirement.

Labour/Manpower required: 1 person for 100 sheep. (but, we may need seasonal labor for other activity in the farm).
Sheep Insurance cost: Usually, 4% of the animal cost.
Assumed Growth of Sheep: 5kg per month when raised in Stall-fed or Zero grazing method.
Veterinary expenses and management: Rs.50/sheep.
Feeding system of Sheep: Stall-fed.
Output of Sheep manure: 0.25 to 0.3 tons /sheep/year.
Breeding cycle duration: 240 to 250 days (or); about 8 months.
Sheep fattening cycle duration: 6 months (180 days): 2 months (60 days) on milk plus 4 months (120 days) on feed.
Techno-economic parameters of Sheep breeding project:
The purchase cost of breeders: Rs.150/ 1 kg of live weight. (This may vary region to region or breed to breed).
Sheep kidding/Lambing rate: 1.2/Ewe, However, the kidding percentage may vary for each breed and condition of the animal.
Mortality rate/Death rate: 10% ( in newborn sheep kids).
The sale price of lamb: Rs.200/1 kg of live weight. (This figure varies depending on region and other factors.
Maize Silage requirement:
- 600 kg’s Per 1 Breeder Per 1Breeding cycle.
- 240 kg’s Per 1 Lamb Per 1 Fattening cycle.
Cost of maize Silage (in-house production): Rs.1200/1ton.
Lucerne forage requirement:
- 120 kg’s Per 1 Breeder Per 1 Breeding cycle.
- 60 kg’s Per 1 Lamb Per 1 Lamb Fattening cycle.
Cost of Lucerne(Cut and carry method): Rs.1000/1 ton.
Read: Green Fodder Production Information.
Mineral Feed Supplements requirement:
- 9 kg’s Per 1 Breeder Per Breeding cycle.
- 6 kg Per 1 Lamb Per 1 Lamb Fattening cycle.
The Breeding Cycle of Sheep: Once in every 8 months (240 to 250 days).
Lamb fattening cycle: 6 months.
- On mother’s milk (colostrum): 2 months.
- Grower feed: 4 months.
The output of Sheep Manure: 0.25 tons to 0.30 tons per sheep per year.
Capital Cost of Sheep Breeding Project:
- Cost of construction of 1200 square feet shed or house @ Rs.225 per square feet: Rs 2,70,000. However, this may change with the materials used to build the shed.
- Cost of 1500 square feet chain link mesh,@Rs.20/square feet: Rs. 30,000.
- Feeders, drinkers and other equipment costs @ Rs.500/sheep for 100 plus 4 sheep: Rs. 52,000.
- Cost of 5 silos @Rs.10,000/1 silo: Rs. 50,000.
- Procuring cost of (4th month pregnant) 100 females (ewes) + 4 males (rams): Rs. 6,00,000 (Six lakhs rupees).
- Cost for Insurance : 4% of total animal cost: Rs. 24,000.
- Cost of storeroom: Rs 50,000.
- Total Cost: Rs. 10,76,000.
Recurring Cost: This expenditure Includes the cost of Maize silage, Lucerne grass, labor, feed supplements, and veterinary care, management: Rs. 3,00,000.
Gross Income from Breeding of 100 female sheep plus 4 male sheep:
- From the sale of 108 (this is after 1.2 percent of kidding and 10% of mortality rare) lambs 30 kg @Rs. 200/1 kg live weight = 6000 x 108 = 6,48,000.
- By insurance claim of 4 ewes @Rs.3,000 = Rs.12,000.
- By sale of manure of 35tons. @Rs.2000/ton = 70,000.
Total Gross Income = Rs. 6,48,000 plus Rs.12,000 plus Rs.70,000 = Rs. 7,30,000.
Net Profit per 1 Breeding Cycle of Sheep:
Net Profit = Total Gross Income – Total Cost Incurred (Recurring) = Rs.7,30,000 – Rs.3,00,000 = Rs.4,30,000.
Note: The above-mentioned figures are not fixed and assumed ones. The actual profits and cost may vary region to region and breed to breed. This net profit of sheep breeding may also depend on other factors such as weather conditions, livestock management practices, and sheep disease control. You can use this same sheep breeding project report for 500 sheep breeding project report and 1000 sheep breeding project report by inputting appropriate figures.
Sheep Farming/Breeding Benefits:

- Sheep can be raised and managed by anybody.
- Sheep can produce meat, milk, skin, and wool.
- Sheep farming provides local employment for the poor and uneducated.
- Sheep farming fills the gap between meat demand and population growth.
- Sheep play a greater role in the national economy.
- Sheep graze on weeds clearing the field.
- Sheep farming cost is less when compared to other livestock business.
- Sheep can be adapted easily to the environment and poor management practices.
- Sheep manure can be used to home-grown grow, fodder crops such as Maize and Lucerne.
- Sheep can be raised in open grazing, semi-intensive or stall-fed (zero grazing) system.
- Unlike goats, sheep hardly damage any trees, if you let them for open grazing.
- Sheep can be fed with a variety of feed or grasses or plants when compared to other animals.
- Sheep can be raised along with other livestock without any issue.
- Sheep can produce multiple kidding in a single birth
- Sheep housing/shed cost very less compared to dairy or poultry sheds.
- As sheep mutton prices are going up every year, there is a good possibility of getting profits in sheep breeding with good livestock management practices.
- Commercial sheep farming is a proven successful business.
Sheep Breeding Tips for Profitable Sheep Project:

- Provide Clean water and make sure have good ventilation in the sheep shed.
- Construct a Sheep house on an elevated area to avoid any water intrusion.
- Construct a shed close to any towns and avoid near forest areas.
- Fence the open land where is sheep shed is constructed.
- Clean the shed floor on a daily basis and collect the manure and accumulate this somewhere in the field.
- Hire a veterinary doctor to provide the service for all required medication.
- Carry out all required vaccinations at all stages for all animals in the house.
- Additional care and attention are required for pregnant ewes and newborn sheep kids.
- Provide the clean and nutritious feed and minerals to all the animals in the farm.
- Isolate any sick animals from the herd until they get treated.
- never mix newly purchased sheep with existing sheep (you can do this after a month).
- Monitor weight and maintain all vaccination records along with weight chart.
- Any dead sheep should be buried far from the site.
- Have a good marketing channel to supply on a contract basis for a good price.
- If you are making silage for sheep, make sure the silage pits are not exposed to any water and special care should be taken while storing the prepared silage.
Loans and Subsidy for Sheep Farming/Sheep Breeding Project:
Well, there are states in India encouraging people to start sheep farming units under state sheep farming subsidy schemes. Your local Animal Husbandry department is the right point of contact for current sheep breeding/farming loans, subsidies.
In order to make silage, you should have chaff cutter for making green forage like maize into 1-inch pieces. You can get up to 70% subsidy on feed cutting machine.
Read: Goat Farming Cost Profit.
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We are planning for sheep breeding, kindly mail us the complete project report for the same.
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we are planning for Sheep and goat farming. kindly request you to send project report for the same.
our address: Anantapur district, uravakonda mandal. Andhra Pradesh.
Check here: Goat Farming In India.