Tharparkar Cow Cost, Cow Milk Per Day, Characteristics

Tharparkar Cow Cost, Cow Milk Per Day, Characteristics

Introduction of Tharparkar Cow / Cattle:

Today, let us get into details of Tharparkar Cow Cost,  Cow Milk Per Day, Characteristics and other facts.

Tharparkar is one of the top five milking cattle in India. It is a dual purpose and disease resistant cattle breed.  The name Thar is from Thul, the general term for sands region and Parkar literary means “to cross over”. The region was earlier known as Thar and Parkar, later thar and parkar became one word. The breed is also called as “White Sindhi”, “Cutchi” and “Thari” as per the place of its actual origin. The breeding tract of the breed includes Kutchchh district of Gujarat and Barmer, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan. The breed size is medium compact with white and light gray coloured coat. The animals can thrive well on small bushy vegetation during drought and fodder scarcity condition and produce a reasonable amount of milk with an average of 1749 kilograms per lactation (ranging from 913 to 2147 Kg per lactation).Animals with high nutrition have produced even higher than 3000 litre per lactation in farm condition. The males are good for drought purpose. Due to better heat tolerance and disease resistance, this breed was used for producing “Karan Fries” breed – a synthetic crossbred cattle breed at the National Dairy Research Institute-NDRI.

Physical Characteristics Tharparkar Cow / Cattle:


  • Tharparkar cattle are white colored.
  • They are medium size and become very strong.
  • They are slightly shorter than Haryana cow.
  • Dewlap is big, wide but smaller than red Sindhi and Sahiwal cow.
  • Hunchback of Tharparkar big and wide.
  • Cattle are given 8-10 kg milk daily and 3000-3500 kg annually.
  • Adult Tharparkar cow weights about 400 kg and bull 450 kg.

Read: Jersey Cow Dairy Project Report.

No. Feature  Male   Female
1 Height (avg. cm) 133 130
2 Body length (avg. cm) 142 132
3 Heart girth (avg. cm) 184 173
4 Weight (avg. kg) 475 295
 5 Birth weight (avg. kg) 23.1 22.4

Milk Yield of Tharparkar Cow:

You can expect 10 to 14 liters per day.

Typical Breed Characteristics of Tharparkar Cow / Cattle:

  • The head is medium sized, the forehead broad, flat or slightly convex above the eyes.
  • The eyes are full bright with a beautiful black lining.
  • The color of the cattle is white or gray.
  • Horns are thick and medium.
  • The cattle are average 138 cm in height and 350 kg in weight, while bulls are taller and much heavier.
  • Their average life span is around 25 years and yields 8-10 liter/day (2000 lit per lactation).
  • They have 14-18 calves in their life span.

Average animals of the Tharparkar breed are deep, strongly built, and medium-sized, with straight limbs, good feet, and with an alert and springy carriage.

Read: Murrah Buffaloes Project Report.

Color of Tharparkar Cow / Cattle:

The color of the Tharparkar cattle is white or gray. In males, the gray color is deepen, particularly on the fore and hind quarters. Along the backbone there is a light gray stripe is there. The color of the cattle deepens during the winter seasons. In the theory tract, in addition to white and gray coat color, black and red or combinations are usually encountered on account of the influence of the Red Sindhi and Gir.


The head is of medium size, the forehead broad, flat, and slightly convex above eyes: the front of the horns and face are practically on one plane. The skin between the eyes is often crumpled, the wrinkles running perpendicular. The eyelashes are black color and there is a small ring of black on the eyelids.


The ears are somewhat broad, long and semi-pendulous and face forwards. Horns are set well apart curving gradually upwards and outwards in the same line of the poll with blunt points inclined inwards. A little portion of the skin with hairs extends over the base of the horns. In the male cattle the horns are thicker, shorter and straighter than in the females.


The hump in males is well developed, firm and placed in front of the withers. The dewlap is medium size and the skin is fine and mellow. The sheath in the males is of moderate length, and semi-pendulous. The navel flap in the female Tharparkar is prominent. The size is so variable. Shoulders are light and legs are short, but in good proportion to the body. The hooves are hard, black, of moderate size and have no tendency to turn out.


Except on the udder, under the belly the color of the skin is black, on the lower part of the dewlap and inside the ears where it is rich yellow. The hair is fine, short, straight, but in the male it is slightly curly on the forehead. Tharparkar cattle are said to be very hardy and resistant to several tropical diseases, but definite date is lacking. Although animals of the breed are excellent foragers and can stand the climatic and environmental conditions, they have not been used primarily as a source of meat, and breeders have given little attention to meat qualities.

Breed Development Programs:

The efforts of the government and other organizations are continuing to improve the productivity of a breed, and for the rearing bull mothers of breeds, CCBF-Central Cattle Breeding Farm was established in 1986 at Suratgarh (Tharparker and its crosses with Holstein Friesian (HF)).

Cost of Tharparkar Cow / Cattle:

Usually, Tharparkar cow cost depending milk production, age, lactation status and pregnancy status. Generally, Pregnant Tharparkar cow costs more than dry ones. Healthy and young Tharparkar bull costs depending milk production and age.

Tharparkar cow:

Average milk yield – 11 liters/day.

Age: 4 years

An average healthy Tharparkar cow breed price ranges from Rs.45,000/- to Rs.50,000/-

Tharparkar bull cost:

Average healthy Tharparkar bull price is about, Rs. 70,000/-

Performance of Tharparkar breed with different crosses:

Performance is regarding age and weight at first conception and calving, service period, lactation length, dry period and inter calving period, as well as milk production in first, second, third, fourth and subsequent calving’s were evaluated among contemporary half bred Tharparkar crosses with Friesian, Brown Swiss and Jersey bulls. On the basis of the overall performance, it is recommended that Friesian should be the choice of temperate dairy breed for cross breeding of indigenous cattle in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. The halfbred Friesian Tharparkar cattle mature at 18.98 ± 0.34 months when their average body weight is 272.18 ± 3.12 kg.

Benefits of Tharparkar Cow / Cattle:

  • Cattle of this breed are strongly built, medium sized, straight limbs and good feet.
  • These are very friendly to humans.
  • Tharparkar cow’s milk has high nutritional value.
  • Milk contains average 4.4% fat and 9.0% SNF.
  • They can stand the rigors of climatic, environmental conditions.
  • These are resistant to several tropical diseases.

Read: Spirulina Farming.

Last Updated: December 10, 2018
Author: Jagdish


  1. We use Tharparkar cow milk. Why it’s colour is pure white and not slightly yellow. We doubt whether supplier supplies Tharparkar cow’s milk or any other cow or a buffalo.

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