Two Marsquakes With Magnitudes Of 4.2 and 4.1 Recorded By NASA’s InSight Lander

NASA’s InSight lander’s sensitive seismometer detected two events measuring magnitudes of 4.2 and 4.1, the largest marsquakes recorded to date.

According to the position of the lander, these two marsquakes are the first observed seismic events on Mars’ far side. Marsquakes captured by the InSight lander are roughly five times as powerful as prior marsquakes.

Researchers examined the changes in pressure and shear waves triggered by the magnitude 4.2 event known as S0976a and traced their origin to the Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyon systems in the Solar System.

The magnitude 4.1 event, known as S1000a, occurred 24 days after the magnitude 4.2 event. This is the first time Pdiff waves have been detected by the InSight mission. Although researchers were unable to determine the exact location of the incident, it is also possible that it originated on the other side of the world.

Both quakes occurred in an area known as the core shadow zone, where shear and pressure waves cannot reach InSight directly.

“Recording occurrences inside the core shadow zone is a significant step forward in our understanding of Mars.” Savas Ceylan stated. While S0976a has a lower frequencies energy spectrum, S1000a has a really broad frequency spectrum.

Scientists claim that both recorded events are rare exceptions compared to all previous marsquakes detected by InSight.