Growing Green Peas In Containers (Matar) Information
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Growing Green Peas In Containers
The following is all about growing Green Peas in Containers.
Introduction To Growing Green Peas in Containers
Green peas are easy and quick crop vegetable. Green Pea are the perfect choice to grow in containers. Most lovable and most used vegetables in our kitchen. Green peas are cool season crops grown all over the world. Green pea plants are annual plants, you can grow round the year. Green pea plants originated from Mediterranean regions. Green peas are a great source of Phyto-nutrients, mineral, and anti-oxidants. Peas are easy to grow don’t require any hard procedure, it is a good vegetable growing project for kids. The pea plants produce purple, yellow and white flowers that add beauty to your balcony or terrace garden. Let us discuss more about growing Green Peas In Containers in upcoming write-up.
Scientific Name of Green Pea: Pisum Sativum (English peas/sweet peas and snow peas), Pisum Macrocarpon (Snap peas).
Common Names of Green Pea: Green Peas, Peas.
Family Name of Green Pea: Green peas belongs to the family of Fabaceae.
Green Pea in Indian Languages
- English: Green Peas.
- Tamil: Pattani.
- Malayalam: Pattani.
- Telugu: Pachabatthani/ Bataneelu
- Kannada: Battani.
- Hindi: Mutter/Matar.
- Bengali: Matar.
- Gujarati: Vatana/Batani.
- Konkani: Attano/Batani.
- Marathi: Vatana/Mattar/Watane.
- Oriya: Matara/Matar.
- Punjabi: Kabli Chole/Mattar.
- Tulu: Batani.
- Kashamiri: Kara.
Suitable Types for Growing Green Peas in Containers
Green pea plants are of two types, dwarf/bush and vine. Dwarf/bush variety grows up to 1 to 2m. Vine type is climber grows with the support of a trellis or stakes.
There are many varieties of green peas, all types of green peas grow in containers.
English or Garden pea: These are shelling types peas, only seeds are edible. Pods are not for consumption. Some types English for growing in containers:
- Littler Marvel: This sweet pea variety plants are compact plants, and the harvesting period is 60 days.
- Tom Thumb: These are quick to grow plants, harvesting period is 50 to 55 days. Tom thumb plant is dwarf type.
- Early frosty: this variety is most popular and harvesting period is 60 to 65 days.
- Green Arrow- mid season variety and produce high yields.
Snap Peas: these types of green peas best, to grow in containers. Both the seeds and pods are edible. Some types snap peas for growing in containers.
- Cascadia- These snap peas are sweet and crispy; these peas are disease resistant and harvesting period is 67 days.
- Sugar Daddy- These also one type of snap peas with good taste, harvesting periods 68 days.
- Sugar Snap: These are also sweetest type snap peas and have quick harvesting period of 57 days. These peas have very short vines.
Snow/Mangetouts Peas: this variety of green peas are good for growing containers. Both the pods and seeds are edible when try flat with tiny peas. Some varieties of snow peas for growing in containers:
- Oregon sugar pod: These have a sweet taste with large pods, harvesting period is 70 days.
- Grey Sugar: These have slender pods with good taste, harvesting period is 66 days.
- Avalanche- these type green leaf plants leafless and harvesting period is 60 days.
- Snow bird: Snow pea variety, disease resistant and have very short vines. And the harvesting period of 60 to 65 days.
Growing Green peas in Containers: Peas are grown in all types of containers. They just need cooler or moderate climate, nutritious soil with organic matter and good amount of water and sunlight. Providing good plant care will give good yields at early stages. Container grows pea yields less than the ground grown. Green peas can be harvested in the early stages once the pods appear depending on the variety you sow.
How To Choose the Suitable Container for Growing Green Peas in Containers

- Green peas grow well in all types of containers with good drainage system with 2 to 3 holes.
- And container should carry 8 to 10 gallons of soil.
- The minimum depth of the container should be 12 inches and 7 to 8 inche width.
- Deeper containers are recommended for growing peas.
- You can choose wide wooden boxes, clay pots, patio bags, plastic bag, wooden barrels, etc. Any recycled containers are used to grow peas.
The best Seasons of Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Peas are a warm season crop, so begin in the months of March to June when temperatures above 16 °C.
- You can extend the growing period till June month by taking necessary steps to save plants from high temperatures. When temperatures are high, the peas plant stops flowering.
- You can grow peas in late summer and early winter by taking proper precautions.
- Peas thrive well in cool climates, but pea plants grown in spring season give more yields.
- You can purchase a suitable variety of seeds depending on your climatic conditions.
Sowing for Growing Green Peas Seed?
- Sow in Spring – March – April.
- Sow in Fall – August – September.
Suitable Soil for Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Peas need a rich well drained, fertile soil to grow with pH levels 5.8 to 7.0.
- Potting mix for growing peas in containers: equal parts of potting soil+ organic compost.
- Adding a small amount of mild NPK fertilizer to the potting mix promotes fast growth of pods.
Propagation for Growing Green Peas in Containers
Peas are mainly propagated by seeds, Transplanting is not recommended. Transplanting methods harms plant root, chancing of surviving is less.
Planting for Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Clean the container properly and dry them.
- Play one layer of crocks or soda bottles or large gravels at the bottom container to prevent the dripping of soil and water.
- Fill the container with potting mix, leaving a 2 to 3 inch space at the top of the container.
- Make the potting mix until the water runs out of the drainage holes and leave for 24 hours.
- For faster germination, soak green pea seeds in water overnight.
- Sprinkle the seeds on the soil surface, and press them slightly into the ground. Give at least 2 inches space between the seeds.
- And add 2 inches of soil on the top of the seeds. Don’t tap the soil just adjust the level firmly.
- Now water the seeds using water can with a fine rose. Don’t make soil wet, keep it moist and place the container in slightly shade areas till the seed germinates.
- The seeds at least 6 hours of sunlight to germinate.
- Pea seeds germination period is 10 to 15 days.
- Staking or Trelling: If you sow seeds of climber variety, you need some stake or trellis. Bamboo stake twined to a teepee shape works well for plants to climb. Push the stakes or trellis into soil around the seeds.
Seedling Training for Growing Peas in Containers
- When plants grow up to 3 to 4 inches tall, you should train the vines of seedling around the stakes.
- When plants grow to 6 to inches you should cut the tip, this promotes the growth of horizontal vines that climb the stakes or wires.
Water Requirements for Growing Green Peas in Containers
- At the time of germination stage, water the plant only to dampen the soil.
- Once the plant starts flowering you can water thoroughly twice in a week.
- If the soil gets dry soon, place a 1 inch layer of mulch of rotted manure to hold the moisture in the soil when the plants are 4 to 5 inches tall.
- Pea plant needs constant moisture in soil for healthy pods and high yields.
The best place for Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Place your green peas containers in a sunny spot, where you get moderate heat.
- Both climber and dwarf variety pea plants get disturbed by strong winds.
The Sunlight Requirement for Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Peas are warm crop, they need full sun.
- Up to 3 to 4 weeks they need 4 to 5 hours sunlight.
- After 4 weeks they need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight.
- A good amount of sunlight will increase crop yields, and decrease the chance of diseases.
The Fertilizers Requirement for Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Pea plants don’t need any extra feed, if you add a good amount organic manure to spoil before sowing the seeds.
- Start feeding your plant twice a week during growing season.
- Choose the fertilizers with low nitrogen and equal proportion of potassium and phosphorous (NPK-5-10-10).
- Over fertilizing will reduce flower formation.
- Compost tea once in a week improves nutritions in the soil.
Pests and Diseases in Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Peas are not much affected by diseases or pests as they get ready in 3 to 4 weeks after flowering.
- Main pests that harm peas are aphids, thrips, cutworms, and maggots.
- They are affected by diseases like root knot and other fungal diseases.
- Maggots can be prevented by, regular crushing and picking of larve.
- Aphids can be prevented by a hard stream of water on affected leaves and stems. Insecticidal soaps or spray will also help to prevent pests.
- To prevent the fungal diseases in pea plants, water plant only in the morning. Don’t water the leaves, water the plant only at the base.
- To increase the resistance power in plants, use spray a like liquid seaweed once in a week.
- Sowing early in the early season can prevent plant from pests.
- You should protect the seeds from birds, birds love pea seeds. So cover container with net after sowing seeds. You can remove it after germination.
Harvesting in Growing Green Peas in Containers

- Harvesting period of green pea plants will 65 to 75 days depending on the variety of the seed you sow.
- Peas are always harvested from the bottom of the plant. Harvest the pods very carefully without breaking the stem.
- Use both the hands to pick the pea pods, secure the vine with one hand and pull the pod with the other hand.
- Snow peas have long harvesting period than sweet peas/garden peas. Snow peas harvesting period of 5 to 6 weeks and sweet peas harvesting period is 2 to 3 weeks.
- Snow peas are more tender when they are young, so harvest the snow pea pods as soon as they appear.
- Garden or sweet peas are harvested when the pods are swollen and plumped. If you delay in harvesting the seeds turn brown.
- Snap peas ready to harvest when the pod is plump and round. Snap pea shells are also edible, so harvest them when they are young.
- Picking the pods every day fastens the flowering of the plants.
- Ripe pods on the plants, reduces the plant flowering and production.
- Peas are harvested only in the morning, they stay fresh and crispy.
Harvesting of Pea Seeds in Growing Peas in Containers
- Leave the some pods on the plant at the end of the growing season.
- Dry the plant dries along with pods, pots turn brown and crispy.
- Pop up the seeds from pods and store in air bag or containers and store in dry and dark place.
Storing after Growing Green Peas in Containers
- Freezing: Green peas stored in the refrigerator with their pods can fresh for 3 to 4 weeks.
- Green peas can be stored in refrigerator for longer periods. Harvest the green peas, boil them in water for 2 minutes and place them in cold water. Drain the water and pack them in airtight bags and store them in freezer. These pea stays fresh for 1 year.
- You dry the peas and store them in airtight containers. These dried peas can use for 5 to 6 months.
Plant Care Tips for Growing Green Peas in Containers

- Fertilizer with high nitrogen levels can reduce the yields.
- Adding mulch to pea plant, reduce the problem of weeds.
- Winter Care Tips: When temperatures are very less, move your plants to indoor or use clutches or row cover to protect them frost. Avoid frequent watering in winter, just sprinkle when required. In over winters keep plants in as light for many minimum 8 hours.
- Container grown green pea plant need more water than ground grow pea plant. Keep soil moist by sprinkling water at least twice a day. Don’t make the soil dry.
- Pea plants take minimum 3 week to mature from a flower pod.
- Pea plant grown well in temperature above 25°C.
- To sow seeds in cool regions, day temperature should be above 5°C to 7°C.
- Best companion plants for peas are beans, carrots, radish, cucumbers etc.
Bottom Line of Growing Green Peas in Containers
It’s wonderful vegetable to grow indoor. This can be grown in containers, pots, growing bags by utilizing the space on terrace, balconies and other sunny spots at your home. Good luck in Growing Green Peas in Containers.
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Where to procure the seeds not mentioned. However got lots of instructions to grow the green peas. Heartiest thanks for your valuable guidance.
Excellent information. Thank you.