Growing Pomegranate in Containers, Pots, Backyards
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Growing Pomegranate in Containers:
The following information is all about Growing Pomegranate in Containers.
Pomegranate is a fruit bearing tree; dwarf varieties grow up to 5 feet. Pomegranate suitable for growing in pots, like citrus plants. Pomegranate has a shallow root system that suits well for growing in a compact space. Pomegranate grows under optional conditions, and a pomegranate plant lives up to 200 years. In the Northern Hemisphere, the fruiting season will be September to February and in Southern Hemisphere the fruiting time will be March to May. Pomegranate is grown for its fruit crop, and as ornamental trees and as shrubs for landscaping. Pomegranate is drought-tolerant and moderately frost tolerant. Pomegranate is propagated from both seeds and cuttings. Propagating pomegranate from seeds is easy, but it is recommended propagate from hardwood cuttings to avoid the genetic variations of seedlings. Pomegranate is the richest source of vitamin C, K and dietary fiber. the Pomegranate tree has green glossy opposite leaves with orange red blossoms. The Pomegranate fruit has a smooth, leather, red and pink skins.. Pomegranate trees usually have thorns and grown as a bushy shrub. All species of pomegranate grow well in full sun and well-drained soil with the pH levels 5.5 to 7.2. Pomegranates are also grown in indoors with sufficient arid provisions.
- Scientific Name for Pomegranate:
- Family: Pomegranate belongs to the family of Lythracaeae.
- Common Names for Pomegranate are: Anar, Anardhana, Grenade, Granatafel Punic Aplle, and Roma, etc.
Varieties of Pomegranate for Growing Pomegranate in Containers

Pomegranate trees are successfully grown in containers, but select some Dwarf and Bonsai pomegranate trees than normal varieties for growing in containers/pots. The Dwarf pomegranate tree is the right size for growing containers, as they only 3 feet tall, and regular varieties grow up to 30 feet tall.
Some Dwarf varieties pomegranate trees that are suitable for growing in containers are:
- Nana: the most popular dwarf variety that grows compact with orange colored flowers and small fruits. This pomegranate grows up to 2 to 3 feet height. Blooms in spring and summer and need full to partial sun to thrive.
- Big Red: Large fruited pomegranate that can be grown in a container, blooms in spring and summer seasons. This pomegranate grows up to 3 to 5 feet height and needs full sun to thrive.
- Provence Pomegranate: another popular dwarf variety produce orange blooms in summer, with leather skinned, brown fruits. These pomegranates are harvested in October and November. Grows up to 3 to 4 feet and need full sun to thrive.
- ‘State fair’ Pomegranate: a dwarf variety grows only up to 5 feet height and bears sweet red colored fruits. This variety is cold tolerant and need full sun to thrive. These pomegranate blooms in spring and summer.
Some large varieties pomegranate trees are: Granada, Eight Ball, Wonderful, Angel Red, Red Silk, Pink Satin, etc. are some varieties that grows up to 10 feet tall.
Some varieties of Pomegranate trees that don’t produce fruit, but grown for Ornamental purposes.
- FlorePleno and PunicaGranatum are grown for ornamental purposes. These are fruitless varieties grows for their beautiful flowers and leaves. Flore Pleno produces beautiful orange flowers and PunicaGranatum produces shiny orange flowers with white borders.
Propagating Methods for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
Pomegranate can be propagated from cutting or by seeds or by planting trees. Best way to propagate pomegranate is through cuttings and is most recommended as it takes less time for fruits.
Propagating by Seeds for growing pomegranate in containers:
- Seeds should be collected from a full ripen pomegranate. Clean the seeds and dry up for a few days.
- Ready-made seeds are available online or in nurseries. Soak the Pomegranate seeds in Luke warm water for a day before sowing.
- Sow seed ¼ inches deep in the seedling trays or in small pots, use commercial potting mix for sowing seeds.
- Place the seed trays/pots in a bright location and maintain the temperature around 20 °C.
- Maintain the constant moisture levels of the soil.
- Cover the containers with plastic cover to retain the moisture levels in the soil and the humidity levels the air.
- Germination period will around 2 to 7 weeks depending on the quality of the seeds and temperatures.
- Remove the cover and place the containers in the sun for fast growth.
- Once the seedling grows up to3 to 4 inches, transplant into desired containers.
- Growing pomegranate is not much recommended as it is a time-consuming process.
Propagating from Cuttings for growing pomegranate in containers:
- Select hardwood of 8 to 10-inch cuttings from healthy plants, cutting are available in all nurseries and all garden centers.
- Plant the cutting in a well-drained potting soil with mild temperature with high humidity levels. Make sure that the top node stays above the soil level.
- Water the cuttings and place the container in a bright location.
- Cuttings takes nearly 4 to 5 months to establish the complete root system.
- Once they get firm, feed the trees regularly with fertilizers during growing and blooming period.
- Top dress the cuttings with organic fertilizer before first frost. Stop fertilizing during winter months.
Propagating from Plants for growing pomegranate in containers:
- you can directly plant from nurseries and start growing it in your house.
- Select the desired dwarf variety to grow in containers.
- Select the container depending on the size of the plant; the container should be 3 times bigger than the plant size.
- Transplant carefully without harming the root of the plant.
- Water the plant and place in a full sunlight.
- Don’t fertilize the plant for 2 to 3 weeks till it gets accumulated with the soil.
The Ideal Season to Plant Pomegranate Seeds for Growing Pomegranate in Containers

- Late spring to early summer is the ideal time to sow the seeds in containers in sub-tropical areas.
- In tropical areas, sow the seeds any time in the spring after last frost.
The Ideal Season to Plant Pomegranate Cuttings for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Best time to plant pomegranates is during the cooler months of late winter or early spring.
- Growing pomegranate trees from cuttings. It takes nearly three to four for fruiting.
The Ideal Season to Plant young Pomegranate trees for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Pomegranate tree can be planted anytime, if you are planting young trees from nurseries.
- But plant the trees before frost.
Suitable Containers for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- The Size of the container varies on size and varieties of pomegranate tree/shrub.
- Pomegranate trees have a shallow root system, that needs large space to expand.
- For dwarf pomegranate varieties the size of the container should be 75 cm width and 60 cm depth.
- Larges the containers, less the watering frequency.
- But too large containers can be hard to move, if needed.
- you can grow in medium sized pot and can repotted when the plant grows larger.
- Plastic/Ceramic/Terracotta/Concrete pots are preferred for growing pomegranate trees.
- And container should have a good draining system, each container should have minimum 2 to 3 darning holes.
- Ornamental pomegranate tress can be grown on medium-sized containers.
The Best Soil for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Pomegranate grows well in a wide range of soils.
- Highly fertile, well-drained soil is recommended.
- The pH levels of the soil should be 6.5 to 7.
- High quality commercial potting soil is recommended for growing pomegranate in containers.
- Mix the soil with organic manure, balanced N: P: K fertilizer, compost and humus, and perlite or vermiculite.
Watering Requirements for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- During the germination period, soil should be kept moist not soggy.
- During the growing period, the plant needs a medium to large amount of water depending on the climatic conditions.
- During blooming and fruiting period, the tree should be watered regularly, and soil should stay moist but on wet.
- Water logging, or overwatering should be avoided.
- In winter season, watering frequency should be reduced.
- Provide rain water to tree during rain seasons, rainwater is a rich source of support that promotes growth of the plant.
Sunlight for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Pomegranate need partial to full sunlight to thrive.
- Containers should receive 6 to 7 hours of sunlight
- Pomegranate can be grown in indoor. If provided a good amount of light and heat.
Suitable Location for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Containers should be placed in a warm and sunny place.
- Pomegranate trees, loves hot and humid climates, so container should get a good amount of sunlight.
- It can also thrive in partial shade.
- Place the containers on terraces, balconies, front yards or backyards.
- Pomegranate can be grown in indoor, place the containers near a windowsill where is gets partial sunlight.
Winter Care for Growing Pomegranate in Containers

- Pomegranate is sensitive to frost. The pomegranate tress can tolerate temperature up to 7°C.
- During the winters, the plant starts shedding leaves and becomes dormant when the temperature go below freezing levels.
- Some varieties of pomegranate trees are winter tolerant and don’t get damaged by freezing temperatures.
- It is recommended to prune the plants in the fall and place the containers indoor under warm temperatures.
- The indoor temperature should be around 15 C and trees should be provided with 2 to 3 hours of sunlight in the day.
- Don’t fertilize the plants during winters, give water as per required and don’t allow the soil to dry.
- Once the temperatures start rising, place the containers in a warm and bright area gradually so that is can acclimate to climate change.
- Fertilize the plant, once leaves begin to form.
- Once the temperature rises above 10°C, place the containers in outdoors.
Pruning and Trimming for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Pruning is compulsory to maintain the shape of the tree and to increase the flowering and fruiting.
- Pruning should be strictly done, especially when the trees are young. Young trees shoot up of lots of branches from the base unevenly, prune unnecessary branches and allow the tree to grow in exact shape.
- Prune the dead and weak stems, this saves the plant energy.
- Suckers are also a big problem, the should be pruned immediately.
- Trimming long branches will encourage the blooming.
- Pruning should be after frost, when the tree starts growing.
Fertilizers for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Pomegranate is a heavy feeder.
- During the growing season, fertilize the plants with balanced organic liquid fertilizers (N: P: K -8:8:8) regularly.
- Leaves turn yellow in the case of zinc deficiency, spray the diluted zinc solution on the foliage.
- Feeding the plants with natural dried manure or compost once in a month is recommended.
- Over fertilizing can cause heavy foliage with less blooms and flowers.
- Using bio-organic fertilizers once in a month, will improve the nutrient levels in the soil.
- Fertilizers should be applied only to the base of the plant, it shouldn’t contact the stem.
Pests and Diseases in Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Pomegranate is not much affected by diseases and pests.
- Common pests the affect pomegranate are aphids, spider mites, fruit flies, whiteflies and pomegranate butterflies.
- To protect plant from fruit flies, just wrap fruits with tissue covers.
- Common pests can be treated by spraying neem oil, horticultural oil spray or garlic oil spray.
- To treat spider mites, dust the trees with sulfur. And a mild soap water can control aphids.
- Fruit split is the major problem faced in pomegranate.
- Main causes of fruit split: Fungal diseases are the root cause fruit split. Fungal diseases lead to leaf spots and leaf drops. Fungal diseases in pomegranate can be treated with copper fungicide, applying it before fruiting seasons can control the fruit splits. Irregular watering can also cause fruit splits in trees, maintain proper watering schedule.
- Mulching prevents fruit splitting to a certain extent, mulching the tree with 3 to 4-inch layer of organic mulch when the blooms start falling off. Water plant regular without soaking the root system. Too much water can cause fungal diseases, water the plants till soil mulch gets wet.
Harvesting Tips for Growing Pomegranate in Containers

- Fruiting period for a pomegranate tree grown from seed after 3 to 4 years.
- Pomegranate grown from cutting wit starts fruits in minimum 2 years.
- Fruits taken 4 to 5 months to get ripen after blooming.
- Pick the fruits when they mature to a deep red.
- Use sharp shears or knives to harvest pomegranates, don’t pinch with hands.
- Pomegranate becomes juicy and more flavorful when store in refrigerator, it can be kept for more than 7 months.
Quick Tips for Growing Pomegranate in Containers
- Growing pomegranate is very exciting to watch.
- Use commercial potting mix rich organic matter for growing pomegranate in containers.
- Pomegranate loves to grow in partial to full sun.
- Choose large containers for growing fruit bearing pomegranate trees, and medium sized containers for growing fruitless and ornamental varieties.
- Feed the trees with fertilizers for every two weeks from spring till fall.
- Spring is the best time to prune the plant.
- Cuttings should be taken from the tree in February or March when the tree is dormant.
- Nana is most popular and recommended dwarf pomegranate tree for growing in container or pots.
- Allow the pomegranate seeds to dry before sowing to prevent rotting.
- If transplanting 1 to 2 years young trees from nurseries, they can be transplanted anytime expect frost season.
- Pomegranate butterflies are major problems that spoil blooms, control them by spraying, pest controls before they lay eggs.
- Pomegranate plants are self-pollinating, they don’t need hand pollination.
- Move the containers to indoors, during winters to protect from cold winds and frost.
- Repot the trees when it becomes slightly root bound. Repotting should be done when the trees start its growth in the beginning of the growing season.
- It takes 3 to 4 months for a cutting or new plant to establish strongly.
- Pomegranates grown in sandy soil need more fertilizers.
- Allow the soil to dry completely before the watering pomegranate tree, then water thoroughly till water drains out from the holes. It process saturates the potting mix.
- Fertilize the trees in months of November, February and May with sulphate fertilizers. This promotes growth of the plants.
- Feeding the plants with organic fertilizers ever week will promote the plant growth and fruiting.
- High nitrogen in the soil can affect the fruit production.
- Placing a layer of pebbles at the bottom of the container will improve the water draining capability.
- Prune the plant during February or March.
- Best companion plants for pomegranate are cilantro, basil, mint, parsley, thyme, sunflowers and lavenders.
- Maturity of trees and fruits depends upon the varieties and climatic and climatic conditions.
- Pomegranate doesn’t resist the temperatures below 5°C, Optimum temperature for growing temperature should be 20 to 30°C.
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I want know about hydroponics technology, it’s cost and subsidy in Rajasthan
Dist :- jhunjhunu
Have you found a better way to protect the trees from burrowing animals like gophers and other rodents?.I have lost all but three of 20 trees to these little devils!