The PowerPoint presentation program is known for its cool animation effects that make your presentation lively for your audience. Animation is an effect that gives your eyes an illusion of a moving object. Have you ever thought of creating a spinning wheel animation in PowerPoint? In this tutorial, we will explain how to create a spinning wheel animation in PowerPoint.
How to create a Spinning Wheel animation in PowerPoint
Create a Spinning Wheel animation in PowerPoint by following these steps:
- Inserting the Pie Chart
- Convert the Pie Chart to a Picture
- Adding Animation to Wheel
Inserting the Pie Chart
Launch Microsoft PowerPoint.Change the slide layout to Blank.
Go to the Insert tab.
Click Chart in the Illustration group.
An Insert Chart dialog box will open.Click Pie on the left pane and select the Pie Chart diagram on the right.
Click OK.
A Mini Excel window will open (Chart in Microsoft PowerPoint.)
In the section that states Sales, enter 1 for all the Qtr.
Now we are going to add some labels to the wheel.
Close the Mini Excel window.
Right-click the Pie Chart and select Add Data Labels.
You will notice that all the slices in the Pie Chart are showing number one as the label.Right-click a label in the Pie Chart and select Format Data Label from the context menu.
On the Label Options tab, under the Label Options section, you will notice that the Value check box is selected. Uncheck the Value check box.
Check the check box for the option Value from a cell.
The Mini Excel window will appear along with a Data Range dialog box.
In the Label section on the Excel window highlight, the labels and the range of these labels will appear in the Data Range dialog box.
Then click Ok and close the Mini Excel window and the Pane.
You will notice that the chart is now showing the correct labels.
Remove the Chart Title and Legend from the chart.
You can change the font or font size of the label if desired.
Convert the Pie Chart to a Picture
Now we are going to turn the Pie Chart into a picture.
Right-click the chart and select Cut from the context menu.
Now right-click again and select Paste Picture from the menu.
Now the Pie Chart is a picture.
Now we are going to crop the picture into a circular shape.
Ensure the picture is selected.
Click the Picture Format tab.
Click the Crop button, hover the cursor over Crop to Shape, and select the oval shape from the menu.
Then click the Crop button again, hover the cursor over Aspect Ratio, and select Square 1:1.
Hold down the Ctrl + Shift button and place the cursor on the crop angle and drag it down to form a circle.
Now press the Esc button.
Adding Animation to Wheel
Then click the Animation tab and select the Spin effect under the Emphasis section in the Animation gallery.
The Wheel will spin.
If you want the Wheel to spin faster, you go to the Duration button in the Timing group and reduce it to 00.50.
Click the Animation Pane button.
An Animation Pane will appear on the right.
Where you see the title that represents the picture on the Animation pane, click the drop-down arrow and click the Effect Options.
The Spin dialog box will open. Click the Timing tab.
In the Repeat section, click the drop-down menu and select Until Next Click.
Then click OK.
Now we going to create a control for the spinning wheel. Ensure the circle is selected.
Go to the Insert tab, click Shapes and select the oval shape and draw it in the middle of the spinning wheel.
You can change the color of the circle if you desired. In this tutorial, we change the color to black.
Now we are going to insert symbols into the drawn circle.
Go to the Insert tab and click the Symbol button. You will notice that the symbol command is disabled.
To enable the symbol command, click the Equation command, then click the Symbol command.
A Symbol dialog box will appear.
Click the Font drop-down arrow and select Webdings from the context menu.
You will see all the symbols for the Webdings search.
Select the Play symbol, then select Insert.
Select the Pause symbol, then select Insert.
Now we will add a needle to the animation pointing at the wheel.
Go to the Insert tab, click Shapes, and select Arrow: Right from the menu.
Draw the arrow pointing to the wheel.
Now we are going to give the symbol buttons in the center of the circle a name.
Go on the Home tab and click the Select button in the Editing group.
Select the Selection pane from the menu.
A Selection Pane will appear on the left.
In the Selection Pane, the symbols are named Oval 4. Double-click Oval 4 and rename the symbols as Play Pause.
Then open the Animation Pane again, click the drop-down button, and select Effect Options.
A dialog box will open, click the Timing tab and click the Triggered button.
Select the Start Effect on the click of option and select Play/ Pause from the drop-down menu.
Then click OK.
The Wheel will start to spin.
Now we want the wheel to pause when spinning.
Go to the Animation tab again and click the Add Animation button.
Then select Appear in the Entrance section of the menu.
On the Selection Pane, click the drop-down arrow for the Appear animation and select Effect Options.
When the Appear dialog box opens, click the Timing tab, then click the Triggered button.
Select the Start Effect on the click of option and select Play Pause from the drop-down menu.
Then click OK.
Then click the Slide Show button on the bottom of the page.
The Slide Show will open, displaying the spinning wheel. Click on the circle to play or pause the spinning wheel.
Press the Esc key to exit the slide show.
We hope you understand how to create a Spinning Wheel animation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Can you make something Spin in PowerPoint?
Yes, you can make any object that you have inserted into your slide spin in PowerPoint. In order to make objects spin, you have to select the Spin effect on the animation tab. The Spin effect is an Entrance effect in PowerPoint.
How do you make a 3d animation in PowerPoint?
Follow the steps below to create a 3d animation in PowerPoint:
- Click the Insert tab.
- Click the 3D model button in the Illustration group.
- A dialog box will open, select a 3D image and click Insert.
- Click the Animation tab and select an animation from the Animation gallery.
What are the four types of animation in PowerPoint?
In Microsoft PowerPoint, there are four types of animation, namely: Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths. Each type of types of animation contains various effects that bring your pictures and shapes to life.